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Ex-Wife Don't Leave, Love Is Coming Again! novel Chapter 1020

Lucian's phone rang when he arrived at the hospital entrance.

It was the landline from home.

“When are you coming back, Daddy?”

Estella's demure voice sounded from the other end as soon as he picked up.

“I'm on the way,” Lucian replied softly. “Go to sleep first, I'll be home to see you soon.”

Estella promised and hung up quickly after that.

It was already late at night when Lucian arrived back at his manor.

Then, he made his way to Estella's bedroom as soon as he got home just like how he had promised her.

To his surprise, he found the child still awake. She watched him enter indignantly without saying a word.

Lucian frowned. “What are you angry about this time?”

“You're back so late!” Estella complained.

I would love it if Daddy spent all night with Ms. Jarvis, but he was with Ms. Pearson. I dislike her! Counting in the travel time, it would not take him more than an hour to make it back.

Lucian's brows twitched at the child's complaint.

The child had never complained when I was out all night caring for Roxanne.

It was obvious that both women were given very different treatment.

“I ran into Mr. Pearson and Ms. Walker,” he explained patiently to the child while suppressing his exasperation.

Estella's cheeks remained puffed with displeasure.

Lucian knew the child would not be deterred from speaking with him about Roxanne, so he did not bother explaining further.

Estella was still considering how to talk to her father, but his reply never came.

However, she was not going to give up that easily after spending all night mulling over it.


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