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Ex-Wife Don't Leave, Love Is Coming Again! novel Chapter 1080

The sound of the door downstairs being opened and closed was heard.

Roxanne froze where she stood as she glanced at her empty hands.

Lucian is gone just like that...

She rushed out to the balcony and looked down and managed to catch a glimpse of Lucian carrying Estella to the car before their car slowly pulled away from the mansion.

Roxanne felt inexplicably aggrieved as she watched their car gradually disappear from sight.

All I wanted was to discuss with him the issues with Estella's character, so how did the matter take such an unexpected turn? If we were to never see each other again, wouldn't Estella's final impression of me be terrible?

By the time she regained her senses, her cheeks were already wet with tears.

Archie and Benny, who had been waiting for their mother downstairs, went up to check on her when they didn't see her come down.

The moment they came upstairs, they were greeted by the sight of Roxanne standing on the balcony with her back facing them.

For some reason, they could sense the sadness just by looking at her silhouette.

“Mommy?” Benny called out warily.

Roxanne didn't respond at all as if she didn't hear a thing.

The boys, upon exchanging a glance, ran up to her side, where Archie gave her sleeve a tug.

His gesture jolted Roxanne back to her senses. Surprised by the sight of her sons, who had arrived unnoticed, she frantically wiped her tears away with her hands.

Unfortunately, it didn't escape the boys' notice.

“Mommy, are you crying?” Benny looked up with an anxious expression.


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