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Ex-Wife Don't Leave, Love Is Coming Again! novel Chapter 1115

The two of them continued discussing that matter throughout the rest of the day.

Being the more emotional of the two, Benny simply wanted Jack to leave so Roxanne and Lucian would get back together.

Archie, on the other hand, was more rational and didn't want to affect Roxanne's career.

However, neither of them was able to arrive at a conclusion even when school was over.

“Archie! Benny! Look who's there!”

Pippa spotted Roxanne waiting at the front gate the moment they stepped out the classroom door.

Archie and Benny were so absorbed in their thoughts that they didn't even notice Roxanne standing there until Pippa mentioned it.

As they glanced at the gate, they saw that Roxanne looked absent-minded as well.

The look on Roxanne's face made Archie and Benny more determined to help Lucian and Roxanne get back together.

“Mommy!” Benny called out to Roxanne while running toward her.

Having been snapped out of her train of thought, Roxanne patted him on the head before instinctively scanning the crowd.

Despite having confirmed Lucian's feelings toward her earlier that morning, Roxanne still found herself coming over when school was over that evening.

She refused to give up, but sure enough, she still saw no sign of Estella anywhere.

As Archie was walking a little slower, he clearly saw Roxanne searching the crowd for Estella.

Huh... I don't get it... Why would Mommy keep fighting with Daddy if she cares about Essie so much?

“Let's go home, Mommy!” Benny said softly when Archie walked up to them.

Roxanne flashed him a smile and nodded in response, but her legs refused to move.


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