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Ex-Wife Don't Leave, Love Is Coming Again! novel Chapter 1188

Suddenly, the door was opened from the outside.

Lucian, whose blood was burning with unvented anger, turned around, wanting to scold the intruder when he saw the anxious looks on the specialists' faces.

“Hurry! Ms. Jarvis' brain waves are showing signs of waking up!”

The crowd in the room were stunned.

Archie was the first to come to his senses. He tugged at Roxanne's hand and called out, “Mommy! Mommy, wake up!”

Benny, too, followed suit.

Meanwhile, Estella stood frozen beside Lucian for some time before frantically wiping her tears and hugging Roxanne's arm. “Ms. Jarvis...”

Estella called out again. As if influenced by the boys, her words changed. “Mommy... Wake up, please...”

In no time, cries of the three children filled the ward.

When Lucian heard Estella addressing Roxanne differently, his eyes trembled, but he said nothing. He simply stood beside them and watched the woman on the bed.

Maybe she'll really wake up since the specialists say she's waking up soon.

In truth, Roxanne had only been unconscious for half a day, but to him, it felt as if she had been unconscious for half of his lifetime.

It was the first time he realized how important she was to him.

“Roxanne, wake up, please,” he murmured softly.

In the next second, a specialist cried out, “They are moving! Ms. Jarvis' eyes are moving!”

The children cried out more anxiously.

“Mommy... Mommy...”

In the meantime, Roxanne felt as if she were in a dream she could not get out of.

At first, everything was dark in her dream. She could not see anything.

No matter how hard she tried to wake up, she could not.


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