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Ex-Wife Don't Leave, Love Is Coming Again! novel Chapter 1263

Cayden had always been highly efficient at work. Besides, he only had to investigate the research institute's recent purchase orders.

That evening itself, he entered Farwell Group's CEO's office with the latest purchase order in hand.

“I've done as you asked, Mr. Farwell. Here, have a look.”

Taking the order from Cayden, Lucian looked it over while listening to his report.

“A bottle of medicine on this order doesn't match the actual quantity purchased by the research institute. From my investigations, Colby was the one who privately arranged for the purchasing staff to buy it. He placed it with one of the other medicines and sneaked it into the research institute.”

At that point, a conflicted expression showed on Cayden's face as he admitted, “However, I couldn't find out what medicine he smuggled in. He hid it so well that even the purchasing staff doesn't know the answer.”

In a flash, Lucian's gaze darkened a shade.

Although we don't know the kind of medicine Colby privately bought, it's a fact that his behavior is suspicious enough. Furthermore, he appeared to be exceedingly apprehensive when I noticed something amiss with that bottle of medicine. He might think that he's hiding it very well, but still, I saw right through him.

Following that thought, he frowned slightly.

With all these leads, it's a veritable fact that Colby was the culprit. Indeed, I've misunderstood Jack. But then, how can his suspicious activities be explained?

A long while passed before he corralled his thoughts.

Anyway, the most important thing now is to have Colby pay the price for his actions!

“Got it. You may be dismissed.”

Putting the purchase order away, Lucian got to his feet and headed out.

He had figured out a way to have Colby confess to his crime even without solid evidence.

However, he needed to seek Roxanne out and discuss it with her.

Cayden had no idea what his employer wanted to do, but still, he obediently left the office and watched as Lucian went into the elevator.

After stepping out of the office building, Lucian drove straight to Roxanne's house.


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