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Ex-Wife Don't Leave, Love Is Coming Again! novel Chapter 1282

“If you're reluctant to do it, I'll help you explain it to the kids,” Roxanne said worriedly.

They were stuck in a crowd, and she could see that Lucian was uncomfortable.

Lucian turned to look at the three children waiting for them close by, and his gaze softened. “It's all right. As long as they like it.”

His gaze then shifted toward Roxanne. “As for you, remember to hold tight onto me if you get scared later.”

Roxanne was startled when her eyes met with his mischievous ones. She lowered her head as mixed feelings surged within her heart.

Throughout the years, she had brought Archie and Benny to an amusement park many times.

The two children had mentioned wanting to go on a roller coaster countless times but were never able to.

Before that day, they had never mentioned wanting her to represent them to go on the roller coaster either.

Perhaps they thought that I would be afraid.

It was not until today, with Lucian's appearance, that they dared to ask her such a request. They had looked at her with anticipation too, not a hint of worry in their eyes.

Maybe they thought Lucian would protect me on their behalf.

Even I myself think so too.

Roxanne looked up and flashed Lucian a grin. “Thanks.”

As she said that, a gust of wind blew and messed up her hair. Lucian reached out to smooth the messy locks and said, “I should be the one to thank you for giving me another chance.”

The two stood out because of their good looks and impressive aura. The people around them subconsciously kept a distance but could not help stealing glances at them.

Upon witnessing that scene, someone could not control their impulsiveness and took a photo of them. However, that person had forgotten to turn off the flash of their phone.

The bright light flashed Roxanne in the eyes and snapped her back to her senses. She then turned in the direction of the person taking their photo.

That woman smiled awkwardly and said, “Sorry. The two of you looked so cute together. Can I please save this picture? That is if you don't mind...”

Roxanne could not bear to reject the woman's request after hearing how sincere she was, but she was not the only one in the picture.


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