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Ex-Wife Don't Leave, Love Is Coming Again! novel Chapter 133

That night, after Roxanne asked Archie and Benny to head to bed, she went back to the room to take care of Estella.

Once Catalina learned that Estella had recovered, she stuck to the girl's side like glue.

In fact, the two women even showered Estella together.

Catalina's heart ached when she saw the bruise on Estella's bottom.

Instantly, she could not help but complain, “Who did this? Ms. Estella has always been in poor health, and Mr. Farwell can't even bring himself to be stern with her...”

Hearing that, Estella blinked at Catalina. Nevertheless, when she thought about Aubree's warning, she clamped her mouth shut.

All of a sudden, Roxanne recalled what Lucian had said back at the haunted house.

The mystery of Estella's mother's identity kept swirling in her head.

Upon thinking about how Catalina had been working in the Farwell residence for all those years and about how she might know something, Roxanne asked in a nonchalant tone, “Catalina, why didn't Essie's mother come and visit her despite how bad her episode was? Did some other emergency happen?”

Hearing that, Catalina visibly stiffened before looking at Roxanne in shock.

She thought Roxanne had known that Estella was her child all along. After all, she gave birth to Estella.

That was why the question startled her that much.

Ms. Jarvis is subtly asking me who's Essie's biological mother? How am I supposed to answer that?

A moment of hesitation later, Catalina asked, “Did... Mr. Farwell not talk to you about this before?”

Roxanne thought that her response was strange, but she could not fathom why. Hence, she replied, “He only told me that Essie's biological mother isn't Aubree.”

So Mr. Farwell knows about this as well, but he didn't tell Ms. Jarvis about it.

Catalina came to a conclusion at that. She then smiled at Roxanne and said, “Did you think that it was Ms. Pearson all along? Ms. Estella looks nothing like her. I'm not sure why you thought



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