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Ex-Wife Don't Leave, Love Is Coming Again! novel Chapter 1366

Linda arrived on time the following morning as Roxanne was leading the children down for breakfast.

“Ms. Linda!” Archie and Benny greeted her warmly when she arrived.

It was Linda who had babysat them when Roxanne was occupied with work abroad.

To the children, Linda, like Madilyn, was their godmother.

Linda was similarly warm when she greeted, “Long time no see, my darlings!”

After hugging Archie and Benny, she turned to regard Estella, who was standing behind the boys. Estella was still a little wary of strangers.

“You must be Essie!” Linda offered her hand politely with a gentle smile. “How do you do? I'm Linda, your mommy's assistant, and I'll be here to care for you for the coming few days.”

Estella gazed at her mother and brothers.

When they indicated she should take the hand, she slowly offered hers and shook Linda's.

Aware of the little girl's condition, Linda did not urge her to say anything but instead let go after shaking her hand and straightened up to look at Roxanne.

“How are things at the research institute?” Roxanne asked in concern.

As soon as the online discussion simmered down, she rushed to prepare for the medical consultation. Upon recalling that Linda would be coming that day, she planned to ask her in person.

Linda smiled. “It's almost resolved. The many suppliers who wanted to terminate their contracts had a change of heart and asked to be partners again. What do you think about that?”

Roxanne fell silent for several seconds. “Then keep the partnerships going. Those suppliers are just opportunistic parasites. We cannot hold them to very high standards.”

Because her involvement in the online discussion had risked their interests, the suppliers had asked to have their contacts terminated.

As they had no private dealings, Roxanne saw no reason to ask them for more faith in the research institute.

Businessmen are, by nature, opportunistic and self-serving.


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