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Ex-Wife Don't Leave, Love Is Coming Again! novel Chapter 138

Upon hearing his mother's words, Lucian gave her a noncommittal nod.

Assuming that he had agreed, Sonya turned around and prepared to take Estella with her. However, Lucian's voice suddenly rang out.

“You might not be aware of how Essie was over the last two days.”

His words caused her to stop abruptly. Although she had heard from Catalina about Estella's autistic episode over the last two days, she wasn't aware of how serious it was.

“Essie's episode this time was more intense than the last. Even James had no solution for it. Only when she's with Roxanne does she behave like a normal child. Furthermore, Roxanne has even managed to get her to talk the other day. Do you know how significant this is compared to the past?” Lucian questioned with a deep voice.

Essie has talked?

Sonya was filled with shock, as she had mentally prepared herself for Estella to remain mute her entire life.

I can't believe that woman managed to get her to speak!

When he saw the astonishment on Sonya's face, Lucian pursed his lips. “I was equally surprised, but there's no denying it. In fact, Essie refuses to leave Roxanne's side despite not even knowing the latter is her mother. Even if you refuse to admit it, there's no way you can erase the instinctive bond between them.”

Sonya knitted her brows in displeasure. She knew that Lucian was right despite her unwillingness to accept the truth.

At that moment, she couldn't find the words to rebut him.

“Mom, we have spent many years trying to cure Essie to no avail. But now, we finally have hope. Even if Essie accepts Roxanne, I have no objections as long as she can fully recover.


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