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Ex-Wife Don't Leave, Love Is Coming Again! novel Chapter 1407

That night, Jonathan could barely sleep after receiving a message from Lucian.

At daybreak the next morning, Jonathan strode into the Farwell residence.

“Mr. Queen,” Catalina greeted him upon his arrival.

Jonathan nodded in acknowledgment. “Where's Lucian?”

“He went up to his study after breakfast.”

Jonathan then ended his conversation with Catalina and headed up.

There was no way he could rest until he clarified with Lucian what the message from the night before meant.

Just as he was about to knock, the door opened from the inside.

“What are you doing here?”

Lucian gave his guest a placid look before inviting him into the study.

Jonathan almost choked on himself.

Why is he even asking me that? I obviously want to know what he is trying to convey with the message last night. It's one thing for me to do his bidding all the time, but what's with throwing a hot potato in my direction out of nowhere? Because of him, I hardly slept a wink!

“Lucian, aren't you being unreasonable?”

The exasperated Jonathan took his seat opposite Lucian. “Why did you have to drag me into this mess with the Pearson family? Although everyone is kicking them while they're down, wouldn't it be inappropriate for the Queen family to join in?”

Before Lucian's engagement with Aubree was canceled, the Farwell, Pearson, and Queen families enjoyed a close relationship.

Now that the two families had fallen out, it wouldn't look good on the Queen family if they were to take over Pearson Group.


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