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Ex-Wife Don't Leave, Love Is Coming Again! novel Chapter 1423

The reason Roxanne did not wear the necklace was that it was indeed inconvenient.

When she arrived at the research institute, she took off the necklace and kept it in the pocket of her jacket.

After bustling around for the entire morning, Jack suddenly called during lunchtime, telling her something cropped up. He asked if they could meet at night instead.

Roxanne did not think too much about it and agreed.

When evening came, Roxanne exited the research institute to find Jack waiting for her by the entrance.

“I'm so sorry. Something happened at the company this afternoon, and I couldn't leave,” Jack apologized as soon as he saw her.

Unbothered, Roxanne smiled. “That's okay. Work is more important. Are we still going to the restaurant we reserved yesterday? You go ahead. I'll follow behind.”

With that, she turned and made her way toward her car.

The look in Jack's eyes turned gloomy as he watched her approach her car without hesitation. He said nothing and got into his own car.

Both cars drove off from the research institute.

The restaurant was nearby the research institute, and the two of them arrived within ten minutes.

Jack had already reserved them a table near the window.

Roxanne took off her jacket, and in the process, the necklace fell out of the pocket and landed right beside Jack's feet.

Jack picked it up and glanced at it before shifting his gaze to the person before him. His words seemed to insinuate a deeper meaning as he commented, “This necklace doesn't seem like your style.”

Roxanne was taken aback.

Indeed, if she were to buy a necklace for herself, she would not have purchased such a lavish design.

However, she didn't see a need to explain to Jack where the necklace came from.

As such, she merely grinned and did not reply.


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