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Ex-Wife Don't Leave, Love Is Coming Again! novel Chapter 1490

The two of them didn't continue talking after that, and Lucian had moved from massaging her temples to massaging her shoulders.

When he was moving his hands, he either intentionally or accidentally brushed his thumbs across her neck.

Roxanne was caught off guard, and her body froze when she suddenly felt as though an electric current had coursed through her.

In the next second, Lucian was already massaging her shoulders. “How are you feeling? Am I pressing too hard?” he asked softly.

Roxanne turned around to meet Lucian's gentle gaze. She was startled, so she immediately retracted her eyes and nodded. “It's fine.”

Little did she know Lucian wasn't planning to let go of her just yet. “I don't know which acupuncture point can help you relax. How about you teach me?”

As he was talking, he loosened his grips.

In a flash, the atmosphere became ambiguous.

Roxanne feigned calmness and cleared her throat. “Why would you want to know that? It's not like you can massage yourself.”

In a natural tone, Lucian answered, “Well, I can help you destress if you ever get this tired again.”

Roxanne's eyes flickered, and she felt her heart skip a beat when she heard those words.

“Besides, I don't think I'll be massaging myself. If both of us ever have our hands full at the same time, one of us ought to take some time off. Otherwise, who's going to take care of the kids?” Lucian added.

In other words, he was suggesting Roxanne massage him the next time he needed it.

Lucian spoke so naturally that Roxanne could imagine the both of them massaging each other in the future.


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