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Ex-Wife Don't Leave, Love Is Coming Again! novel Chapter 1594

Meanwhile, Sonya hadn't heard from her son or granddaughter for a few days after leaving the Farwell residence.

The more she thought about it, the more her unease grew. On a random weekend, she decided to visit the manor.

Roxanne was working overtime at the research institute, searching for a new medicinal herb supplier to replace Damaris Group, while Lucian was also working late.

Only Catalina was at the manor looking after Estella, Benny, and Archie.

“Mrs. Farwell,” Catalina addressed Sonya respectfully and flicked a worried glance at the kids.

She knew Sonya didn't like Archie and Benny.

Now that Mr. Farwell isn't together with Ms. Jarvis, I wonder what Mrs. Farwell will do to put the kids on the spot...

Sonya's cold gaze skated across Catalina before landing on Estella. She ignored Archie and Benny, who were standing next to the girl.

“Do you miss me, Essie? Come, give me a hug.” She spread her arms.

Estella didn't budge and had no intentions to approach her.

Sonya's expression sank, and she continued, “I'll bring you out for some delicious food. Do you want to eat something yummy?”

Estella stood timidly beside the boys, clutching the hem of Archie's sleeve, unwilling to go closer.

Irritation flashed in Sonya's eyes at Estella's dependence on the boys. She wanted to snatch Estella in her embrace but was afraid it would backfire.

“I'll take you to eat lots of tasty food and buy many toys, okay? I remember you liked the ice cream from that particular shop.” She stifled the urge and clung to her last strand of patience, pasting a warm smile on her face.

Estella's eyes twinkled when Sonya mentioned ice cream, and she craned her neck to look at Archie and Benny.


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