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Ex-Wife Don't Leave, Love Is Coming Again! novel Chapter 1692

After over an hour, when the sun was up in the sky, Roxanne finally opened her eyes.


The very second her eyes opened, Lucian noticed the change. He grabbed her hand and stared at her with bloodshot eyes.

When Madilyn saw her good friend waking up, tears rolled down her cheeks. She reached out to grab Roxanne's other hand as laughter escaped her lips.

“Roxanne, you're finally awake! You have no idea how frightened we'd been. I thought... I thought you...” Madilyn trailed off, unable to finish her sentence.

Roxanne had just woken up from her coma, so the gears in her head were slow to turn. After a while of recollecting herself, she recalled what had happened before she fell unconscious.

“Was I unconscious for that long?” she asked in disbelief as she shifted her gaze from Madilyn to Lucian.

When she saw how haggard he looked and noticed the red veins in his eyes, a wave of guilt crashed into her. “I'm sorry to have worried you both...”

Then she tried to sit upright on the bed.

However, she had been in a coma for three days, so she did not have the strength to do that.

“Just lie down on the bed. How do you feel? Do you feel unwell anywhere?”

Madilyn knew what Roxanne was trying to do, and she quickly pressed her friend back down on the bed.

Roxanne had no choice but to do as Madilyn said. She then asked worriedly, “Where are the kids? I was unconscious for so long. They must be freaking out.”

She remembered how the children had tears streaming down their faces the last time she fell unconscious. Every time she thought about that, her heart would ache.

I wonder how they reacted to this...

Lucian caressed her cheek in a soothing manner as he said to her, “They don't know about this yet. I told them you went on a business trip and will only be back tomorrow night.”

Roxanne relaxed a little at that, but her attention was back to his exhausted look. Slowly, she reached out to touch his face.


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