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Ex-Wife Don't Leave, Love Is Coming Again! novel Chapter 1745

“Where's Jack? Tell him to come out here and provide us with an explanation!”

The crowd surrounded Kevin, pressing for Jack's whereabouts.

Kevin supported Hector with difficulty while trying to think of ways to calm the others around him. “Mr. Damaris is waiting for all of you at Damaris Group. Please head there now while I send Old Mr. Damaris to the hospital.”

Everyone didn't doubt Kevin's words. In addition, they felt it was inappropriate for them to keep blocking the way since Hector had fainted. After watching Kevin leave, they made their way to Damaris Group angrily.

The Damaris family's century-old business had abruptly fallen apart overnight.

Jonathan arched his brow at Lucian after seeing that news. “Will you go in and visit Roxanne now? She's been looking for you ever since she regained consciousness.”

Lucian was barely satisfied with that outcome. He schooled his features and dispelled his hostile aura before opening the door and stepping inside the room.

Hearing the movements at the door, everyone looked over.

Upon noticing the newcomer, Linda whispered, “Mr. Farwell is here.”

Of all those present, only she was unaware of what was going on.

Madilyn glanced at the man at the door. Then, she looked at her best friend and held the three kids' hands while smiling. “Let's go. I'll take you out to enjoy some delicious food. You three must be starving after being busy all night, right?”

The children nodded sensibly and giggled discreetly at their father.

Peregrine also excused himself afterward.

Everyone tacitly left the room to allow the couple some time alone.

Pin-drop silence lingered in the air as they gazed at each other from afar.


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