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Ex-Wife Don't Leave, Love Is Coming Again! novel Chapter 1851

Roxanne was surprised to find out how exhausting it was to take wedding photographs.

In order to strike attractive poses, she was forced to remain still for close to ten minutes at a time.

Toward the end, she could not even force a smile. Fortunately, Lucian's lighthearted demeanor throughout it all kept her spirits up.

When it was finally over, she protested vehemently when Lucian mentioned a few other locations they were expected to be at.

“Mr. Farwell, Ms. Jarvis, with your looks and usual attire, any location would make a great backdrop for your wedding photos.”

The photographer, a young woman, could not help but marvel at the stunning couple before her. They were undoubtedly the most beautiful pair she had ever photographed. There was almost no need for post-production retouching later on.

She offered to come along during the honeymoon and take vacation photographs if Roxanne was done for the day.

Roxanne agreed at once. Lucian, too, did not voice any objections.

Upon returning home, the children, whom Cayden had dropped off, learned their parents had just taken wedding photographs and immediately surrounded them and asked to see the pictures.

“Mommy, you must be the most beautiful bride in the world in the wedding dress.”

“Where are the photos, Daddy? We want to see them!”

“Wow! Daddy is pretty handsome, but Mommy is better looking. She's more beautiful than a movie star.”

The children's flattery was worth the pain of the entire day.

Lucian and Roxanne exchanged a glance and a knowing smile.

The children were still chattering away when the family sat down for dinner, asking when the wedding would take place and where the honeymoon would be. They even asked if they would be getting a younger sibling.

The couple could only lament the fact that the children were growing up too quickly.

Suddenly, a car entered the porch. Since the butler granted it entry, they assumed it was somebody they knew.


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