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Ex-Wife Don't Leave, Love Is Coming Again! novel Chapter 1879

“I really can't do that, Roxanne. All the foreign brands will be launching their new products during this period, too. If we don't increase our productivity, we will lose market share and waste all the effort we have put in. Also, we have opened many new affiliated stores. If we fail to distribute products to them, we will need to compensate them for reneging on the contract. On top of that, we have also started our online channels. The online merchants demand a certain amount of goods. Otherwise, they won't be bothered about helping us promote our product.”

The barrage of reasons Elektra peppered Roxanne with rendered the latter speechless.

In the end, she had no choice but to agree.

Fortunately, the factory had just expanded its operations by adding many new assembly lines.

From Roxanne's perspective, Elektra was a go-getter in the business world and was particularly talented in sales.

Never could she have imagined that Elektra was doing all this just to set her up.

After instructing Linda to distribute the prize money to the researchers, Roxanne headed to the hospital to visit the sick researcher so that she could hand the reward over in person.

When afternoon arrived, Madilyn invited her out to have coffee.

The moment both of them met, Madilyn began ranting as usual.

A few days ago, Lucian and Roxanne brought the three children over to Madilyn's place to visit her but inadvertently caused her a lot of trouble.

Lorraine, who was enamored of the children, kept pestering her daughter to get married soon.

Soon, the nagging became a habit. Every day, she would bring up the topic by praising the three kids, putting pressure on Madilyn.

However, other than buying Madilyn health supplements, Jonathan barely paid attention to the issue.

“Hahaha, he bought you health supplements?” Amused, Roxanne burst into hearty laughter.

Madilyn rolled her eyes in response before frowning. “I wasn't the one who brought this up, and I have no idea what's going on in his head. The body checkup he did last time clearly showed that his brain is working fine!”


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