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Ex-Wife Don't Leave, Love Is Coming Again! novel Chapter 1893

“Your plan had many flaws. It was foolish of Christina to have the audacity to use Flora Verba Group's name to recruit temporary workers!”

The expression in Lucian's eyes was cold as glaciers, but fear actually lingered in his chest.

Although the scheme was full of loopholes, its primary focus was to achieve speedy results.

If the one hundred thousand sets of goods had entered the market, it would've been meaningless to investigate and identify the culprit afterward.

It would be difficult to salvage the situation after the public's opinion toward the company was tarnished. By then, regardless of how hard Flora Verba Group's employees tried to explain themselves, the trust crisis wouldn't be solved.

And as the company's technical director, Roxanne's reputation would be dragged through the mud after getting involved in that scandal.

“I had anticipated this day would come.” Once again, Elektra stopped crying.

Despair was the greatest sorrow.

At that point, she no longer knew how to face Lucian, Roxanne, her parents, or anything else.

Her expression suddenly took on an eerie calmness.

She gazed at Lucian longingly, wanting to engrave his countenance in her mind.

“Lucian, I hope you don't involve my parents and the Lane family in this matter. I'll bear all the consequences.”

Immediately after she spoke, Lucian suddenly sensed something off in her tone.

When he turned to look at Elektra, he noticed she was dashing out of the room at breakneck speed.

What is she trying to do?

A terrifying suspicion flashed across Lucian's mind, prompting him to give chase.

However, he had clearly underestimated Elektra's determination to die.

She really didn't know how to deal with everything in her life anymore. The good impressions and wonderful perception that Lucian has of me must've ceased to exist. He must hate me now, right?


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