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Ex-Wife Don't Leave, Love Is Coming Again! novel Chapter 1896

In the end, Richard and Mila, Elektra's parents, rushed to the building.

Roxanne had already gotten down from the railing and was squatting on the ground with her hands wrapped around her legs. Her expression was devoid of any trace of emotion.

She finally piped up after a considerable amount of time had passed.

“Dad, Mom, I'm sorry for causing both of you to worry. I can never atone for what I've done in this lifetime! I don't have the slightest clue how to salvage everything, but I'll continue living and strive to make things right step by step for the rest of my life.”

Roxanne had completely won Elektra over.

Her words had been a wake-up call for Elektra.

Seeking death is just running away from my responsibilities. The only way I can convey my sincerest apologies is through actions.

Half an hour later, the senior management of Flora Verba Group called for a meeting, whereby an announcement about Elektra's resignation from the position of CEO was made. Henceforth, she was no longer part of the company.

Resigning from the company was Elektra's own decision, for she was too ashamed to remain in the company.

Roxanne subsequently declared as the director that the initial thirty percent of Elektra's shares would be decreased to twenty percent and transferred to Richard.

That evening, Elektra went to the police station with her parents and confessed to all of the crimes she'd committed.

Despite that, her lawyer still tried to plead her case and fight for the reduction of her sentence with the first reason being her attempt at the crime was unsuccessful. Secondly, she had yet to cause any severe harm to society.

Soon enough, the Lane family released a statement stating they'd donate two hundred million to the victims of the fire. The amount would be used to treat those whose faces were scalded and disfigured by the fire.

Lucian and Roxanne couldn't care less about the final verdict of the court case.

Nevertheless, Richard still called Lucian later during the day to apologize and inform him about his daughter being detained at the police station.


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