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Ex-Wife Don't Leave, Love Is Coming Again! novel Chapter 460

After hearing what Frieda said, Jonathan subconsciously turned to look at Alfred.

Alfred appeared puzzled.

They were happily chatting not too long ago. Then, Lucian said something had cropped up at work and left hurriedly. Yet, why did Frieda say he had appeared angry?

Judging from Frieda's demeanor, Lucian was clearly quite annoyed. Did something happen at work?

On the other hand, Jonathan could guess what had happened. He knew Lucian must have argued with Roxanne again.

Although he tried his best to create opportunities for the both of them to patch up, it seemed pointless as all their meetings would always end with an argument.

I wonder if they are sick offighting so much because I sure am tired of watching them do that.

Looking at Jonathan and Alfred's reactions, Frieda was baffled.

At first, she thought Lucian was irked with the two of them. However, she realized then they were not the cause of his irritation.

So why is he so angry ? He did not even react when I brought up Aubree.

After leaving the Queen residence, Roxanne glanced at her watch and noted that it was still working hours at the research institute. Hence, she decided to head back there.

On her way there, Lucian’s words rang in her head relentlessly.

She felt tormented.

It was not the first time he questioned her relationship with Larry.

If the clock were to turn back to six years ago when they were still a married couple, Lucian would never ask her such questions.

He would not be bothered by how close she was to other men. On the contrary, he might even feel at ease with it.

Now, they were no longer related. Yet, Lucian was harping on the issue and even grew mad with her.

Roxanne could no longer tell what he was thinking.


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