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Ex-Wife Don't Leave, Love Is Coming Again! novel Chapter 817

Without the two adults realizing it, the children had gathered in a circle to watch Lucian.

Ever since Archie and Benny accepted Lucian as their father, they had grown more fond of him with every passing day.

Seeing how serious he was, the children looked at each other with admiration in their eyes, wondering if they were going to be as handsome and cool as their father when they grew up.

Archie and Benny then turned to look at Estella. They were not sure if they were seeing things, but Estella's side profile bore a striking resemblance to their mother.

For a time, the atmosphere in the room was light-hearted and fun.

Suddenly, the sound of Roxanne's phone ringing broke the silence.

The few of them looked inquiringly in Roxanne's direction.

Roxanne merely smiled apologetically at the children, but the caller ID on the screen caught her eye. I wonder what Jack wants.

“I need to take this call,” said Roxanne to the children. Subconsciously, she glanced at the man who was still busy mixing the batter before walking toward the living room.

The children looked warily at Roxanne's retreating form, wondering who it was that would call her on a weekend morning.

In the living room, Roxanne promptly picked up the phone. “Mr. Damaris? What seems to be the matter?”

The distance between the dining room and the living room was not too vast, and Roxanne did not care to lower her voice. As such, everyone in the dining room could hear every word she said.

The children then turned to look at Lucian, curious about what his reaction was going to be.

Lucian stopped stirring, and his brows knitted into a mild frown.


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