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Ex-Wife Don't Leave, Love Is Coming Again! novel Chapter 824

Hector exchanged a few pleasantries with Roxanne, and the conversation went back to business as she led Hector and Jack to visit a few sites.

The tour of the research institute was nearly finished at noon, and they adjourned to the restaurant where she had made a reservation.

Jack sidled up to Roxanne soundlessly after they exited the research institute and asked in concern, “You mentioned that you had to attend to family matters. What were they, if you don't mind my asking? The Dr. Jarvis I know would never show up late to an appointment.”

She smiled slightly, her lips compressed. “It's nothing, just a temper tantrum by Archie and Benny.”

Jack didn't question her answer and smiled sympathetically with a nod. “It's understandable for problems to arise when you have kids at home.”

Hector turned toward both of them. “What are you talking about? My old ears didn't catch it.”

They hastily pasted a smile on their faces and hurried to walk alongside Hector.

Colby wasn't familiar with Jack and felt lower in status compared to them, so he lagged a few steps behind.

An unnamed emotion gripped Colby's heart as he observed the good-natured conversation between Roxanne and Jack and Hector's admiration for her.

He was always just an admirer, silently looking up at Roxanne from a distance.

He knew she didn't lack impressive men in her life, from Larry to Lucian and now Jack.

I'm no one compared to them. Judging from how Old Mr. Damaris treats Roxanne, he would grant his blessings without hesitation if Jack were to be with her!


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