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Ex-Wife Don't Leave, Love Is Coming Again! novel Chapter 903


When Roxanne, Archie, and Benny had disappeared from sight, Estella lifted her eyes and stared at her father.

At her voice, Lucian slowly retracted his gaze and lowered his eyes to meet her gaze. “Yes?”

Puffing up her cheeks, Estella demanded in a huff, “Did you make Ms. Jarvis mad again?”

Tonight, Ms. Jarvis didn't talk much to him. No matter how hard Archie, Benny, and I tried, she hardly glanced in his direction.

Following that line of thought, frustration swamped her.

He has already promised me that he'd forgive her and never make her mad again, but he didn't keep his word!

Discerning her thoughts, Lucian frowned and was just about to answer when he abruptly remembered James' advice in the next heartbeat.

Thus, he went silent for a few seconds before replying, “We have some conflicts at work.”

As soon as Estella heard the word “conflicts,” her face fell.

Lucian regarded her with his brows furrowed. “Both of us have to work, so it's inevitable that we have conflicts at work. You must understand that.”

Nevertheless, Estella scrunched her face in anger. “But why must you bring home your conflicts at work?”

Her question had words eluding Lucian.

“Could it be that you haven't forgiven Ms. Jarvis?” Estella was all dubious.

When Lucian heard that she was placing the blame on him, his brows creased.

Some time passed before his lips twitched cryptically, and he asserted, “You know I never bring work stress home.”

Blinking hesitantly, Estella solemnly cast her mind back to the past.


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