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Ex-Wife Don't Leave, Love Is Coming Again! novel Chapter 906

After confirming that the fire was put out and getting the green light from the firemen, Roxanne was finally able to get near the research institute that was engulfed in an inferno.

Her heart sank the moment she managed to get a closer look.

She had been worried sick all morning, overcome by the apprehension that the medicinal herbs that she had just retrieved the day before were all gone.

Alas, her worst nightmare came true. The very store that caught on fire was the one where the medicinal herbs were stored.

Not only were the medicinal herbs the batch that they had just retrieved the day before destroyed, but the other medicinal herbs they previously stocked up were also burned to ashes.

Fortunately, Colby had managed to call for help in time and managed to stop the fire from spreading to other areas.

“This...” Standing beside Roxanne, Colby found himself to be at a loss for words as he stared at the shambles before them.

Roxanne let out a soft sigh. “Well, luckily no one was hurt, and the fire didn't spread to other areas of the research institute.”

Colby sighed and said in a defeated manner, “There goes the hard work you guys did yesterday.”

It took them the whole morning to move all the herbs into the store. Moreover, Colby knew that it must have been difficult for Roxanne and Jack to get the herbs from Herbscape Group in the first place.

Roxanne furrowed her brows in response.

It would be difficult to get her hands on medicinal herbs of the same quality.

Nonetheless, that was the least of her concern right then.

She turned to look at Colby and said, “Dr. Galloway, could you please investigate the root cause of the fire at the research institute?”

If it was due to the flammable nature of the herbs, Roxanne knew there was nothing she could have done to prevent the disaster.

However, if someone had deliberately set the place on fire, she knew she had to expel the culprit from the research institute.

Colby immediately led a group of people to the surveillance room.

Meanwhile, Roxanne sought the firemen's help to locate the ignition source.


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