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Ex-Wife Don't Leave, Love Is Coming Again! novel Chapter 939

When he saw that Roxanne wanted to have a look at his stomach, Benny removed his arms without a fuss.

Roxanne caressed Benny's forehead. Her eyes were filled with distress.

However, after examining the two children, Roxanne still could not arrive at a diagnosis.

As time passed, the children's pain became increasingly severe.

Roxanne felt immensely helpless and powerless at that moment.

She blamed herself for having brought the children out to camp but failing to watch over them properly.

Her guilt and distress were plainly written all over her face.

Archie noticed his mother's mood and approached her quietly. “Mommy.”

His voice pulled Roxanne out of her reverie, and she forced herself to calm down. Then, she said, “I brought a medical kit with us. Can you go get it from the tent and bring it here?”

The children were in excruciating pain, and yet, Roxanne had not managed to locate the cause of it.

At that moment, she could only do her best to ease their symptoms.

I'll give them some pain medication first! I can't go wrong with that!

Archie reappeared in a few minutes with the medical kit, which he placed on the ground next to Roxanne.

Roxanne shook several painkiller pills into the palm of her hand. She fed one to each of the two sick children and sat back to wait for it to take effect.

“How are you two feeling?”

She could only think of two possibilities for the cause of their sudden illness. One was that the kids had overexerted themselves while playing and caught a cold. The other was that they were somehow infected by a bacterium out here in the wilderness.

However, this did not explain how Archie had somehow escaped the same fate.

In fact, Archie was not exhibiting any symptoms at all.

Archie frowned and patted his stomach. “My tummy hurts a bit, but only a little bit.”

As he spoke, he gestured at Roxanne with his hands, showing her that he really was not in much pain.

Suspicion flitted across Roxanne's face. Her eyes drifted to Benny and Estella again.


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