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Ex-Wife Don't Leave, Love Is Coming Again! novel Chapter 959

At the side, Estella had her head lifted and gazed at Roxanne, looking hopeful.

Roxanne's gaze flickered. Only after obtaining Lucian's promise did she forcibly suppress the worry within her.

“Got it. I'll take good care of Essie for the next few days.”

Lucian indifferently inclined his head a fraction in acknowledgment. Shortly after, he took his leave and left.

Roxanne watched as his car disappeared into the distance before bringing Archie, Benny, and Estella into the mansion.

All three children were already starving to the point that their stomachs growled incessantly.

Without tarrying, Roxanne prepared some quick and easy breakfast to fill their stomachs first.

After having breakfast, she had the children play by themselves while she stood up and went into the study.

She simply couldn't sit back and do nothing about the person who used the bacteria on the children.

Worse still, Lucian left Estella at her place. Hence, she wanted to catch the culprit as soon as possible to eliminate the potential dangers around the children.

As far as she knew, not every research institute was capable of manufacturing that bacteria.

In the whole of Horington, only a handful of research institutes possessed that capability.

Therefore, she only needed to focus on investigating those few research institutes.

At that thought, she made calls to the researchers she was acquainted with to inquire about the amount of that bacteria their research institutes had developed recently and their uses. Throughout it all, she researched some information on the internet.

She made several calls in a row, but all the answers she received matched.

That was to say, their bacteria hadn't been taken out of the research institute.

Roxanne's gaze fell on the remaining few research institutes.

She hadn't any acquaintances in those few research institutes, so it would take her some effort to investigate them.

While she was contemplating how she should do that, the doorbell suddenly rang downstairs.


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