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Facade of Love Novel novel Chapter 100

Chapter 100 Looking Forward to the Future 

I pursed my l*ps and squeezed my somewhat cold hands, saying, I had no evidence. I once tried to speak out, but no one believed me. Now, I have the guts. to tell you because I’ve found the person who conspired with Moore against me back then.” 

She nodded slightly, looked at me, and then took a teacup from the table in front of her. She placed it in front of me and tapped the table. Sit down.” 

Seeing her invitation, I nodded. I had been standing since I entered, and my legs. were indeed feeling a bit numb

After sitting down, she poured me a cup of tea and after a moment’s thought, looked at me and said, Yvette, you’re smart and good at assessing situations. Technically, now that you’re pregnant, as an elder, I shouldn’t be separating you two. But I still have to say this upfront: since you’re confident you can clear up the incident from five years ago, I’ll believe you. As for the Scott Corporation, its current situation, frankly, is not optimistic. With financial difficulties and internal and external troubles, even if your father were alive, he might not be able to revive it, let alone you. You must understand that any slight problem with Scott Corporation now, given your status as the Youngsgranddaughterinlaw, could affect the future development of the Young Corporation.” 

I understood her point and nodded without arguing

Seeing that I did not object, she continued. Of course, now that you’re pregnant, I won’t force you to divorce Iddy. But whether you can maintain this marriage will depend on your abilities. I must remind you that although Iddy has a strong. sense of responsibility, he doesn’t have feelings for you. If Scott Corporation. cannot overcome this crisis and it goes bankrupt, you and Iddy must divorce, and the child in your womb must stay with the Youngs.” 

Inodded, relieved that she was no longer focusing on my relationship with Idris. I looked at her and said, Don’t worry. The Scottsaffairs will never affect the Young Corporation.” 

She did not say much more, leaning back in her chair. Alright, since that’s the case, I won’t say anything more. I’m also tired. You go do your things. I’ll rest here for a while.” 

Clay With that, I had managed to settle matters with Madam Young 


hat surprised at how easily I had convinced her, I stood up, sald 

and Young, and left the room

In the courtyard, the guests had mostly finished eating. They were either listening to the opera or gathered together, chatting and reminiscing

After talking to Madam Young, I felt somewhat relieved. I had always been confused in life, but I was very clearheaded about marrying Idris. I liked him, even if I had always tried to appear indifferent. I always knew what I wanted

Now that this child had appeared at such a time, did it not mean that my bond with Idris was not over yet? I would not get a divorce unless absolutely necessary. Even though I was not sure if he loved me, it was okay. There was plenty of time, and I would strive to become a part of his life

Now that things were clear with Madam Young, I also needed to talk things out with Idris. Of course, I had to tell him about the child. This time, he was really going to be a father

Feeling good, I looked around the courtyard but could not find him. Instead, I saw Maxwell with my mother

Why were they here

I approached them and asked my mother, Mom, did you just arrive?I had not seen her when I congratulated Madam Young earlier

She nodded. The traffic was congested along the way. I was planning to come. alone, but since Little Sanchez had nothing to do at home, he came with me. Where’s Madam Young? I arrived late, so I need to speak to her and personally deliver the gift.” 

I pointed to Madam Young’s courtyard and glanced at Maxwell, who usually disliked such gatherings. Why had he come too


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