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Facade of Love Novel novel Chapter 104

Chapter 104 If She Wants to Die, I’ll Make It Happen

1 stared at Moore, feeling completely numb, and with a rough tug, I pulled her hands off me and stepped back. The explanation I wanted to give was choked 


A baby? Is Miss Scott expecting?” 

Whispers began to spread as someone finally noticed the slight bulge beneath Moore’s damp clothes

Yeah, look at her belly. She must be at least three or four months along, right?” 

Whose baby is it, though? This is” 

Who else’s could it be? The sisters are in a love triangle with the same man. This is” 

Gossip swirled around us, and through her tears, Moore’s eyes gleamed with a hint of victory

Wow. When she said I would lose everything before she fell into the water, this was what she meant

I had totally underestimated her


Charles, please escort Ms. Scott to the greenhouse to get changed!Madam Young commanded, her voice booming with a barely contained fury

Right away!Charles bobbed his head eagerly, scooping Moore from Idris’s embrace and whisking her off

Once Moore was out of sight, Madam Young’s gaze hardened on Idris. Iddy, you need to get back to your room and into some dry clothes too. It’s freezing out here, and we can’t have you getting sick.” 

With her piece said, Madam Young shot me a sharp look, her eyebrows knitted in concern or perhaps annoyance, before she turned on her heel and strode away

Mr. Zachary had already shooed the nosy guests away, leaving the pavilion in a sudden quiet. 

idris stayed put, his silence heavy, his eyes locked on me

Why?His voice broke the silence, his eyes dark and deep, sending a shiver 

own may spine

meeting his gaze. The thing with the kid, I can explain 

Explain?He let out a bitter chuckle, his eyes glinting with scorn. Is that why you were so keen to get rid of the baby and divorce me? To be free of me? Or is this just another game to you?” 

I felt a lump in my throat, my heart pounding. Idris, me wanting a divorce has nothing to do with the baby. I’m truly sorry for lying about being pregnant.” 

Sorry?His laugh was cold as ice. You’ve gone to great lengths to fool me, Yvette. She’s pregnant, for heaven’s sake. Do you have any idea how dangerous it is for a pregnant woman to fall into water? You could have killed them both. Did that even 

cross your mind?” 

I faced his rage, my voice barely a whisper, I never pushed her.‘ 

Yvette, are you trying to make a fool out of me?he exploded, his eyes dark with disappointment and repulsion. Lies, violencewhat won’t you stoop to, Yvette

Frozen in place, I stared back at him, feeling like the world’s biggest joke. Just thirty minutes earlier, I was bubbling with excitement to share the news of my pregnancy, to tell him I was ready to fight for our marriage

Now, I could only watch as everything crumbled

I had become the villain in our story

A bitter laugh escaped me as I looked up at him, my eyes fiery with unshed tears.Sure, I’m capable of anything. If you’re so convinced I’m out to ruin her, to take two lives in one fell swoop, then so be it


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