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Facade of Love Novel novel Chapter 130

Chapter 130 I Became the Hostage 

I did not understand what Lucas meant 

I could not help but frown as I watched the yachts and helicopters gradually approaching 

Lucasmen seemed to realize something was off and said, Luke, it seems like these police aren’t planning to open fire at us?” 

After saying that, his gaze shifted to me, as if understanding something, and he asked, Who are you, lady?” 

I pursed my l*ps, understanding the situation a few seconds after the others 

Almost all the people on this yacht were vicious criminals. The police had surrounded them but were only shouting, not attacking, and they ignored the attacks from Lucasmen, steadily approaching the yacht 

The police’s goal was not to not apprehend these criminals. Rather, they were worried about Inch and me, the two hostages on the yacht, getting caught in the crossfire

Were the police concerned about the safety of the hostages

This approach by the police was risky and could lead to more casualties in their carefulness. It did not seem worth it

As the distant yachts surrounded Lucasyacht, he suddenly pulled me up and dragged me into the 


I was confined in the cabin, and Lucas sat down leisurely on a chair, his demonlike eyes scrutinizing me with a cold laugh. Yvette, honestly, for the past five years, night after night, I’ve dreamt of flaying and torturing you, making you wish you were dead. But now, I’ve changed my mind.” 

I looked at him, not understanding his intentions and only feeling his calculating gaze. I could not help but ask, What do you want to do?” 

Lucas suddenly laughed and moved closer to me, saying, What do you think if all the police who came here today die by my hand because of you? Wouldn’t that be thrilling if the news got out?

I stiffened suddenly, my eyes widening in horror and my b*dy was trembling. Why, you” 

I did not know how many police officers were here, but from what I saw, there were definitely more than a hundred. So many lives were at stake because of me… 

I did not dare to think further and abruptly stood up to run outside, but Lucas yanked me back and threw me to the ground without hesitation

I was thrown so hard that I was disoriented and barely had time to recover when Lucasman knocked on the door. Luke, the police outside want to talk to you

Lucas smirked, his eyes narrowing slightly. Talk, you say?” 

After a moment, Lucas snerred. Fine, let them come up if they dare.” 

Okay!came the response from outside

Just as I was about to leave, Lucas suddenly called out

After speaking a few words to the person outside, Lucas left, and that person seemed surprised and 

then left without a word

I lay on the ground for a while before managing to get up, feeling like my b*dy was broken 

Heh. Yvette, I’m truly curious who would risk their life for you?” Lucas said with arms crossed, eyes halfclosed, enjoying my disheveled state 

I did not answer him

A few minutes later, a voice came from outside, Luke, the person is here.” 

Lucaseyes narrowed slightly as he glanced at me. He grunted and walked over to a desk, took a belt, and forcefully put it on me

As the cabin door opened, Lucas wrapped his arm around my waist and forcefully pulled me onto his 


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