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Facade of Love Novel novel Chapter 143

Chapter 143 Madam Young’s Apology 

Hearing it from Madam Young made it sound so polite. I gave her a small smile and nodded. Yeah, I’ve signed the divorce papers. Now it’s just up to Idris to sign, and then we’ll go to the local office to make it official.” 

She peered at me, her old eyes shadowed with something I could not quite read. Are you sure about this?she asked

Her question caught me offguard. She was supposed to be all for me and Idris calling it quits. In fact, she had been waiting for it. Now, her words had an edge to them

What did she mean by asking if I was sure

She must have picked up on my confusion because she paused before continuing, About what happened five years agoMr. Zachary filled me in, and the police have closed the case. You were a victim too, and it’s been a long time. It shouldn’t cause any more trouble for you. Ever since your accident, I’ve been wondering if I meddled too much in you kidslives. Because of me, you and Iddy lost your first child. It was a Young, and my interference caused such a needless loss. I’m not getting any younger, and when I meet Iddy’s grandpa down below, I reckon he’ll have a few words for me about it.” 

I had never heard Madam Young talk like this before. Her voice was heavy with regret, and it stirred something deep inside me 

Without thinking, I blurted out, Grandma, that’s all water under the bridge!” 

She gazed at me, inhaling softly before speaking, I’ve been meaning to say sorry to you, Yvette. I was too tough on you before, and I really hope you don’t hold it against me.” 

I had not seen Madam Young opening up like this coming. I shook my head gently. Grandma, there’s nothing to forgive. You were just looking out for Idris, from your point of view.” 

She let out a weary sigh, a shadow crossing her face. Yvette, are you truly set on divorcing Iddy?” 

It was the same question, just asked in a new way

I nodded, giving her a quiet yes‘. 

Her eyebrows knitted together in frustration. Is it because of Moore? The pressure I put on you? Or the loss of the baby?” 

I paused, caught off guard by her detailed questioning, but I nodded again. It’s a bit of everything.The truth was, Idris and I might never have been right for each other. Our marriage was misguided from the starthow could we ever have hoped to be like any other happy couple

She looked at me, her eyes filled with words she could not quite bring herself to say. After a brief 

silence, she finally asked, If we can fix these issues you’re worried about, will you give Iddy another 


Her question took me by surprise. Why was she bringing this up now


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