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Facade of Love Novel novel Chapter 154

Chapter 154 He Sends Ensio to Check Up on Moore 

Emily’s brow creased, and she bit her l*p, choosing to keep her thoughts to herself

I did not press the issue either. I did not need all the details to get the picture

What threw me for a loop was Moore. When did she and Madam Young have a big blowout? Moore had been riding the coattails of saving Idris’s life, and even if Madam Young was not her biggest fan, she would not just lash out for no good reason. The last time I stumbled upon them, Madam Young could not hide her disdain. There was definitely more to this story than I knew

Half an hour later, the doctors finally started filing out of the ward. Emily and I rushed in to see how Madam Young was doing. Idris was there, looking ghostly pale and sweating bullets, obviously on 


Madam Young was hooked up to a bunch of machines, but her breathing was even, and she seemed stablejust like the doctor had said

Emily glanced between me and Idris, biting back words she could not quite let out

Mr. Young,came a voice from the doorway. Ensio was there, knocking softly as he spoke up

Idris caught someone’s eye and nodded slightly before turning to Emily and me. His gaze lingered on Emily and nodded at her. Then he looked at me, his expression unreadable, and said, Stay here with grandma for a bit, will you?” 

I just nodded, keeping my thoughts to myself, and watched him walk out with a cool detachment

No sooner had Idris left than Emily set down the mushroom soup she had brought and looked over at me, hesitating for a moment before speaking up, Yvette, about you and Iddy” 

I gave her a small smile and quickly changed the subject, Emily, isn’t Liam supposed to be landing about now? Did someone go to pick him up?” 

She confirmed with a nod. Mr. Zachary’s handling it.” 

Guessing I was not in the mood for a hearttoheart, Emily did not press any further

Before long, Madam Young stirred awake. She was lying in her hospital bed, looking dazed as her eyes fluttered open. Emily spotted her first and shot up from her chair, asking anxiously, Grandma, you’re awake?” 

At the sound of her voice, I moved closer and saw Madam Young trying to speak, but no words came 


I could tell by the way her l*ps moved that she was thirsty. Emily and I dabbed her l*ps with a wet 

cotton swab and gently gave her a few sips of water

It took a little while, but finally, Madam Young found her voice and asked, Where’s Iddy? Where did he go?” 

She was looking at me for the answer

I responded quickly, He stepped out.” 

Could you get him for me?she asked, her voice raspy with strain

I nodded, not asking why, and hurried out of the room

Outside the hospital room, Mr. Zachary was still on watch, and to my surprise, Moore had not taken 


I did not pry into why she stayed, just asked Mr. Zachary if he had seen Idris around

He told me Idris and Ensio had gone down the hall, probably to talk shop at the stairwell


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