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Facade of Love Novel novel Chapter 157

Chapter 157 Come and Visit Me More Often 

Inside the hospital room, Emily was spoonfeeding Madam Young when we walked in. She paused to clean Madam Young’s mouth and set aside the lunchbox, giving us a nod. Back already?she said

Idris and I both nodded in response

Madam Young looked us over and then instructed Emily, Alex should be here soon. Go on down and meet him, will you?” 

With a nod and a quick wave to us, Emily headed out

Madam Young turned her attention to me, her eyes soft but her voice weak. Yvette, come over here. I want to talk to you.” 

I moved closer to her bedside, noticing the hardly touched food in the box. Grandma, aren’t you hungry? I can help you,I offered

She shook her head, her eyes filled with warmth. Yvette, I’m so glad you’re here. But I’m afraidmy time is coming.” 

Her words hit me like a wave of sadness. Grandma, don’t say that. It was just a fall. You’ll get better, and you’ll have many years ahead with us,I said, trying to sound convincing

She gave a gentle smile. Dear child, we all have our time, and I’ve had plenty. I just regret being so hard on you. Do you forgive me?” 

I could not help but smile back, shaking my head. You always wanted what’s best for us. That’s what matters.” 

She let out a sigh, patting my hand with the one that had the IV needle. You’re such a good kid,she said, her voice filled with pride

Then her gaze shifted to Idris, and her expression turned stern. Iddy, did you take care of that situation with Moore?It was clear from her tone that she was not pleased with whatever was going 

on with this Moore person

Idris gave a nod. Ensio’s already taken her home.” 

Madam Young’s expression turned stormier. I wanted you to get her out of the country!” 

Idris’s brow creased slightly as he faced Madam Young. Grandma, she’s pregnant and about to have 

the baby.” 

And what’s that to you?Madam Young’s voice was a low growl, seething with anger. She did not even let Idris get a word in before she laid down the law. “You’ve got three days. I’m giving you three days to make it happen, or I’ll step in myself.” 

Her words left no room for backtalk

Idris’s good looks were marred by a frown. He stayed silent, not agreeing, but not refusing either

I had no intention of getting mixed up in this mess and was about to stand up and leave when Madam Young turned to me

Yvette, I’m getting on in years, and I need to ask you something.” 

I stopped in my tracks, managing a smile and a nod. Of course, Grandma. Whatever it is, I’ll take care of it for you.” 

She must have caught my serious tone because she cracked a smile and said, You’re such a good kid. With the shape I’m in, I don’t think I’ve got much time left. When you’re old, you just want your family close by. Could you and Iddy come visit me a bit more?” 

I was caught off guard, waiting for her to go on, but she just gave me this loving look and left it at that

I nodded, smiling back. Grandma, you don’t even have to ask. I’ll be around more, promise.” 

That seemed to light her up, and she let out a rare laugh

With the conversation about Idris and Moore put to bed, Madam Young and I chatted about this and that until, probably because of her meds, she drifted off to sleep

I had just finished tucking Madam Young in when I glanced back at Idris. He had been a silent shadow the whole time, just listening as I chatted with Madam Young

Our eyes met for a brief moment before I quietly stepped out of the room

Liam and Emily were rushing toward the room as I left. Liam looked like he’d just rolled off a plane, all rumpled and worn. Spotting Idris and me, he asked anxiously, How’s grandma?” 

She’s stable now and asleep.I reassured him with a nod

Relieved, Liam tiptoed into the room to check on Madam Young


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