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Facade of Love Novel novel Chapter 164

Chapter 164 Moore Loses It 

In walked Zoe, all dolled up in a fuzzy apricotcolored outfit, complete with matching ear covers that made her look like a cuddly bunny

She beamed at us, her eyes bright and merry. Yvette, Maxy, you’re both here! Mom made some rice cakes this morning. I thought I would bring some over for you to taste.” 

I flashed a grin and accepted the box she was holding out to me. How’d you know we were here at the 


Aunt Deb let it sl*p. She mentioned you were dropping off some food for Maxy, so I tagged along,the little girl chirped, pulling a piping hot rice cake from the box and sliding it in front of Maxwell. Her smile was infectious. Maxy, I heard you’re from Tully City. You guys don’t do rice cakes there, right? Give it a try. See if you like it.” 

Maxwell, who did not seem like a big fan of sweets, hesitated but could not really say no. He nibbled on the edge and gave a nod, his smile genuine. It’s pretty sweet.” 

I watched the exchange with a smile, realizing the girl had come especially to see Maxwell. With that in mind, I made up an excuse and ducked out

Once I was out of Scott Corporation, I made a beeline for the hospital

I had made a promise to Madam Young to check in on her

At the hospital, lunchtime was in full swing when I bumped into Mr. Zachary on his way out. He spotted me first and came over. Madam, you’re here.” 

I nodded and voiced my concern, How’s Grandma doing today?” 

He returned the nod, A lot better. She’s got a craving for something sweet, so I’m on a mission to 

satisfy that. You should head on up.” 

After exchanging pleasantries, I stepped into the outpatient building, my thoughts drifting. I had totally spaced on asking Mr. Zachary if Idris was around. Now that Idris and I were officially done, bumping into him would be all kinds of awkward

Then again, it seemed inevitable. Lake City was not exactly sprawling, and despite the distance between our families, our companies still mingled for business. Cutting ties completely just was not 

in the cards

We were bound to cross paths. With that realization, a weight lifted off my shoulders

Yvette.I was just about to step into the elevator when a screeching voice stopped me cold

I did not even have time to turn around before a stabbing pain exploded at the back of my head. My 

hair was yanked so hard I stumbled backward, nearly crashing to the floor

When I finally caught a glimpse of my attacker, it was Moore, her hand raised for another strike

I reacted fast, blocking her and shoving her away. Rubbing the sore spot on my head, I glared at Moore. Her eyes were wild, like she had totally lost it

What’s your problem, Moore? You’re freaking out in the middle of the day!She stumbled back from my push, her pregnant belly making her clumsy


Once she found her footing, she glared at me with pure venom, her voice a ragged scream, this is all your fault, youyou snake! What did you tell Iddy? He’s kicking me out because of you. make you pay!She came at me like a madwoman, but I dodged, and she went sprawling to the ground



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