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Facade of Love Novel novel Chapter 166

Chapter 166 The Questioning 

Mistook me for her

I frowned, my eyes shifting to Idris. What had he uncovered about that incident from five years ago


Moore’s voice was thick with unshed tears as she continued, You promised to protect me for a lifetime. You said I could do anything and you’d be there. You told me your life was mine to command, that you’d always keep me safe. Idris, you never explained why you found me at the bottom of that cliff, why you decided to be kind to me. I just did what you wantedI never lied to you.” 

Idris stood there, his gaze steady and his face a mask of tranquility, revealing nothing

Moore was a mess, tears streaming down her face as hurt and bitterness tangled within her

For a long moment, Idris simply watched her, his expression unchanging, before his calm voice broke the silence. What do you want?” 

That question froze Moore in place. Disbelief flickered across her pretty face, quickly replaced by a bitter laugh at herself. She started laughing, a laugh that was more like a sob, as tears kept spilling 


Seeing her like this, I knew she had to be head over heels for Idris. Only real love could make someone 

crumble over a few words that cut so deep

He was practically throwing his contempt for her right in her face. Deep down, he must have written her off as just another gold digger. Being looked down on by the one you love is like having your pride 

smashed to bits under their heel

Idris was a pro at inflicting pain. With a single sentence, he made her feel like she was nothing

After her tears and laughter subsided, a heavy silence fell. Finally, Moore looked down, her voice raspy but eerily steady. Just go. I don’t want anything from you.” 

Idrisl*ps tightened, his eyes still calm, as if he had run out of words. With that, he walked out of the 

hospital room

I watched from the doorway, taking in the whole breakup drama, unmoved by Moore’s pitiful state.

had never been one for pity. In this world, what goes around comes around. For Moore, this was just 

the beginning of her payback

You coming?The deep voice snapped me back to reality. My wrist was caught in a firm grip, and 

before I knew it, I was being pulled out of the room

I followed the guy leading the way he was like a walking skyscraper and after a few steps, I managed to wriggle my hand free from his. He did not seem to care and just kept walking with me to 

the elevator

At the emergency room doors, Liam and his wife were already there, looking anxious. Liam caught sight of us and after a brief pause, he asked, Yvette, what in the world happened? Mr. Zachary 

mentioned grandma got an allergy shot from some stranger. Did you catch a glimpse of the guy?” 

I shook my head and blurted out, How’s grandma?He let out a heavy sigh. Still in there, fighting.” 

Idris, with his deep, dark eyes, looked at me, puzzled. What’s going on?” 

I quickly spilled the beans about what I had seen, turning to the group and saying, The dude had a mask and a hat on. Everything was a mess, and I could not really see his face. Did the hospital cameras catch anything?” 

Liam pinched the bridge of his nose, looking tired. I’m on it. Someone’s checking.” 

Emily chimed in, The Youngs don’t have beef with anyone. And grandma’s so old who’d want to hurt her?Idris just stood there, his face turning stormy, but he kept quiet

Mr. Zachary seemed like he wanted to say something but ended up not speaking


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