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Facade of Love Novel novel Chapter 191

Chapter 191 Stirring Up Trouble 

I barely dodged as the girl lunged at me, but before I could stumble, strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind and yanked me back. The girl who had been barreling towards me tumbled to the ground with a thud

Ouch!she cried out from the ground, clearly in pain

I spun around to see my rescuer and found myself staring up at Idris, who was easily a foot taller than me. He was poering down with concern. You good?he asked

His jaw was set in a determined line, and I quickly nodded, stepping away from his hold. Thanks,I managed to say

He seemed a bit miffed by my quick retreat and the awkwardness between us. He frowned and glanced over at the girl who was still picking herself up

With a subtle cue, he motioned to Ensio, who stepped forward to help her up

The girl’s eyes darted from me to Idris, glaring at me for one second and then looking totally thrown off the next second when she saw him. She froze, and before she could even process her surprise

blurted out, Iddy?” 

I blinked, surprised by the familiarity. Did they know each other

Idris just gave her a cool look and a slight frown. Christina?he asked, seemingly detached

She bobbed her head eagerly, her eyes lighting up. Iddy, I can’t believe you remember me!Then, as if a thought struck her, she asked, Are you here to talk business with my dad?” 

Idris did not answer her question. Instead, he turned to me, seeing my confused expression, and explained, She’s my sisterinlaw’s cousin. She’s been to the old manor a couple of times.” 

I took a moment to process that. Emily’s cousin, huh? I hardly ever visited the old manor, so not recognizing her made sense. I gave a small nod, still piecing it all together

Before I could get a word out, a group of men approached from the other end of the hallway

One of the guys, a middleaged man, was all smiles as he walked up to Idris. Mr. Young, it’s been ages!” 

Idris gave a nod and a friendly, Mr. Zanier, it’s been ages.” 

I did a doubletake at the mention of his name. That was Jack Zanier, the big shot who was always on the Lake City news

They had barely finished their hellos when Christina Zanier, off to the side, whispered, Dad!Her voice was barely above a murmur, but in the hushed corridor, it cut through the silence. Her face was a mess, her voice wobbled like she was about to burst into tears any second

Jack turned at her voice and caught sight of Christina looking all kinds of rough. His smile vanished

Chapter 191 Stiming Up Trouble 

and he could not hide his shock. Christina, what in the world happened to you? Your nose is bleeding, and your face” 


When he saw the slap mark on her cheek, Jack’s anger was plain as day. His voice dropped an octave. Who did this to you?” 

Christina’s tears were falling fast now. She turned, pointed straight at me, and sobbed, It was her

Dad. She hit me.” 

Jack’s icy stare slid my way. The guy was mad, and even though he kept his cool, it was downright scary. Before I could even flinch at Jack’s glare, Idris had me tucked behind him

I blinked, surprised, then looked up to see Idris’s broad shoulders shielding me

Jack saw the move, his frown deepened, but the rage in his face eased up a bit. His tone was a touch gentler as he asked, Mr. Young, what’s going on here?” 

Idris’s voice was barely above a whisper, and I could not detect any hint of emotion as he spoke, This is my wife Yvette, Mr. Zanier. I only arrived myself before you did, and I’m still trying to piece together what went down.” 

He was subtly hinting that Jack should tread carefully

I had been standing behind Idris, frozen for a few seconds, before I moved to stand by his side. With a steady voice, I faced Jack and said, Hello Mr. Zanier, I’m Yvette. The bruise on your daughter’s face 

was my doing.” 

Jack’s expression turned stormy, but he held back from speaking immediately, instead shooting a look at Idris next to me. Lowering his voice, he turned to me and asked, Ms. Scott, there’s usually a reason for hitting someone, isn’t there?” 

I nodded, shifting my attention to Christina. So, what’s it going to be, kiddo? You want to tell him, or 

should I?” 

Christina’s eyes brimmed with tears as she looked from me to Idris, biting her l*p before asking in a shaky voice, So you’re Iddy’s wife?” 


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