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Facade of Love Novel novel Chapter 193

Chapter 193 Trouble with his legs

The guy looked older by his build, and it was clear he had trouble with his legs

I thought back to the guy I had been chatting with in the private room, hidden behind a screen. Was that Inch’s buddy, Charlie Yates? He said he could not come out to greet me because of his legs, right

Why did any of that matter to me? He did not show his face, but still agreed to meet and hear my thanks. If Inch was here, why didn’t he join us for the meal

Madam, what’s up?Ensio caught my stare and checked in

I shook my head, It’s nothing,I said

Ensio revved the engine, and we left the restaurant behind

In the rearview mirror, I watched Inch help the man into the car. I could not catch what they said, but Inch was all nods and respectful before he climbed into the driver’s seat

Watching them, I frowned. This felt oddly familiar, like watching Idris and Ensio together

Inch had said they were just friends, but this looked more like boss and worker

I let the suspicion slide. After all, they had helped me. I leaned back, closed my eyes, and pretended to doze off, but inside, I was still buzzing from Idris’s reaction earlier

After a brief pause, I finally broke the silence and asked Ensio, Mr. Candor, what were Mr. Young and Jack hashing out tonight?” 

I was really trying to figure out if the evening’s drama was going to mess with things for Idris

Ensio gripped the steering wheel, his eyes fixed on the road ahead, and replied with a serious tone, No project talk. Mr. Zanier just asked Mr. Young out to dinner and said it was for old time’s sake.” 

For old time’s sake?I raised an eyebrow. When big shots in business and government say they’re just reminiscing, you know there’s more to the story

Ensio grunted a yes and added, Word is the head honcho of Lake City’s getting shipped off to Capital City for a new gig. Lately, a bunch of Lake City folks have been hitting up Mr. Young, all under the guise of a walk down memory lane.” 

Ensio’s words hit me like a lightning bolt. I had totally forgotten the fact that the Youngsinvestments were a big deal, not just here but everywhere. Young Corporation’s finances could make or break Lake City’s annual numbers. Idris was a major player there

With Lake City’s big shot on the move, it was a domino effect. Jack’s meetup with Idris was clearly more than just a friendly chat

That explained why Jack was tiptoeing around Idris earlier, not daring to lay a finger on me. He was playing a more complex game

Chapter 193 Trouble with his legs


I took a deep breath and stared blankly out the window, my mind a whirlwind. Idris stepping in earlierwas he looking out for me, or just saving his own reputation

Mom and Maxwell were still back in Lorrell, and my place felt way too quiet. So, I asked Ensio to drop me off at Sweety’s apartment instead

As I nudged the door open, the living room was aglow, yet eerily empty. The only sign of life was a voice drifting from the bedroomit sounded like someone was on a phone call. I sl*pped off my shoes and tiptoed toward the bedroom to say hi to Sweety

Sweety was perched on the tiny balcony, phone in hand, her legs folded beneath her. I could not catch who was on the other end, but her voice was a gentle murmur, “I’m okay, just had a rough night’s sleep. It’s been a while, but I guess I’m still a bit shaken. Talking to you helps a lot, though. Thanks for that.” 

I flopped onto the bed, curiosity piqued. Could she be dating someone? She whipped around, eyes wide as saucers, and gasped, When did you sneak in? You’re like a ghost. I didn’t even hear you!” 

Her jittery reaction cracked me up. I just got here. What’s up? You look like you’ve been caught red- handed. Spill it. Who’s on the line? Got a secret sweetheart?” 


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