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Facade of Love Novel novel Chapter 196

Chapter 196 So Ungrateful 

Officer Jackson’s brow creased, and he looked like he was about to say something but then thought better of it. After a beat, he asked, Have you ever met this Silvana big shot? Did you notice anything off about him?” 

I shook my head. Nope, what’s up?” 

He bit his l*p and took a deep breath, talking more to himself, Maybe I’m just reading into things too much.” He paused, then decided, Okay, go see your sister.” 

I had this nagging feeling he was holding back something he wanted to say, but it seemed like he thought it was not quite right to voice it

I was curious, but I did not press him for more

Officer Jackson led me to a small room with a glass divider. It was not long before Moore appeared on the other side, handcuffs on her wrists. When she saw me, a chilly smirk danced across her face. She had guessed I would come

She looked worn out, and I figured it was not just the police station getting to her, but the strain of a tough pregnancy

She plopped down across from me and grabbed the intercom with a sneer. Wow, you showed up quicker than I thought you would.” 

I bit my l*p. There was a time when I felt like she was a real sister to me, but now she had ruined any warm feelings I once had for her

I kept my cool and said, You’re after Dad’s inheritance, and I’m not going to fight you for it. But Mom’s not in Lake City right now, so I can’t call the shots.” 

She arched an eyebrow. You’re not going to fight me? You’d really let me have a piece of the Scottsfortune?” 

Her eyes were full of scorn, but I kept my face blank. Look, when Mom and Dad adopted you, they meant it. They treated you like their own. So whether I like it or not, if you want your share, it’s not for me to stop you.” 

She let out a bitter laugh. Their own daughter? Nice try, Yvette. If they really saw me that way, why did they always keep me at arm’s length? You got all the good stufffirst pick of everything at home, the best schools, the top jobs, and even the best guys to marry. They might have called me a Scott, but they were always scared I’d outshine you. They set you up with cars and housesbut what did they ever give me?” 

I watched her, her face a mix of hurt and defiance, and I just could not take any more of her 


Ever since I could remember, my parents had always treated her and me equally, giving us the same things. Even though she was older, Mom always seemed to give her a bit more


Chapter 196 So Ungrateful 


Our schools were a different story, as they were chosen based on what we passed the entrance exams for fair and square. Choosing to work at the company was all me. She, on the other hand, landed a gig at Young Corporation after graduation. Dad thought she had better prospects, so he never pushed her to join the family business. Then, out of the blue, she got tangled up with Noah and ended up marrying the guy. Noah was a big deal in Lake City back then, but shortly after their wedding, his empire crumbled, and they both left the country

She left just as I was graduating. Thanks to her selling me out five years prior, Dad was on my case, so I was thrown into the company trenches the minute I got my diploma. Me marrying Mr. Perfect? That was a joke


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