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Facade of Love Novel novel Chapter 201

Chapter 201 Tagging Along as a Third Wheel

I left it at that

We chatted for a bit, and then I got ready to head out

Inch broke the silence. Ms. Scott, are you free next week?” 

Without thinking, I replied, I’m not sure yet. What’s up?” 

He gave a small smile. Well, Charlie’s been cooped up at home recovering. It’s pretty boring for him, and I was thinking of taking him out for a bit. But I’m not sure where to go. You’re from Lake City, so I figured if you were available, maybe you could show us around?” 

I hesitated, then chuckled. I’ve lived here all my life, but, to be honest, I’m not exactly the adventurous type. There’s a lot to do in Lake City, but I’ve barely checked any of it out.” 

Then I remembered the vacation island Emily had mentioned. Anyway, it’s been pretty chilly here lately, not the best for hanging out. You might want to take Mr. Yates over to Tully City. They’ve got this vacation island, and the weather’s great.” 

Are you coming with us?Inch asked, his eyes lighting up with hope

I shook my head, still smiling. My schedule’s up in the air for next week, so I can’t make any promises right now. We’ll just have to play it by ear. If I’m free, I’d love to join you guys.” 

Okay, it’s a deal,Inch said, his smile lighting up his face. I’ll chat with Charlie about it soon.He was on the younger side, and he usually kept a straight face when we talked. Right now, his smile transformed him, making him look even more striking. He was already a looker, and that fresh, youthful vibe that just made you feel better without him even needing to try

I found myself smiling back and gave a nod

We wrapped up our chat, and he did not grill me with any more questions. After we said our goodbyes, I watched him walk off in the other direction of the complex

I was about to head back to Sweety’s apartment when something caught my eyea familiar black Bentley parked outside the complex. It belonged to the Youngs

The Bentley stayed put, not bothering to come inside the gates. It sat there for a bit before the passenger door swung open. It looked like the people inside did not want to say goodbye. The woman turned and gave the man driving a quick kiss before she finally stepped out, hesitantly

I could not quite see the man’s face from where I was, but he seemed to say something to her with a frown before he drove off

I watched the Bentley drive away, and the woman took her time turning around to walk into the complex. I just stood there at the entrance, watching silently, feeling like my heart had just dropped into the ocean

Sweety caught sight of me and did a doubletake, then tried to act like everything was normal. Were you waiting for me? Have you eaten yet?she asked

I just looked at her, not saying a word

When I stayed quiet, she held up the pastries she had with her. I saw these on my way back 

Chapter 201 Tagging Along as a Third Wheel

and remembered you liked them, so I picked them up. I’m such a good friend, right?” 

I kept my silence, just watching her


She reached out to pull me in, but I stepped back. Her brow creased with concern. What’s the matter? I didn’t do anything to upset you, did I?” 

The person in the car was Liam, right?I finally burst, my voice colder than I intended

She bit her lip, her eyebrows knitting together in frustration. It was him. Why are you freaking out? I was just out shopping and bumped into him. He offered me a ride home, that’s all. What’s going through your mind?” 

I stared at her, a weird mix of feelings churning inside me. I took a deep breath and asked, Did you just run into him, or was it a planned meetup?” 

She insisted, It was totally out of the blue. Why would I lie to you?” 

I bit my lip and fell silent, turning on my heel and heading into her apartment without another word


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