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Facade of Love Novel novel Chapter 203

Chapter 203 He Doesn’t Seem Too Friendly Towards Charlie 

I bit my lip, holding back any objections. After all, our divorce was still under wraps

I trailed behind him, eyeing his broad shoulders. Did you come for a meeting today?I asked, knowing his usual distaste for these gatherings

Mhm,he hummed, glancing back at me. Do you want to drink?” 

I hesitated, then gave a halfshrug, halfnod. “A bit.” 

He did not say more, and I did not push, following him to the private room

Ms. Scott.The voice behind me was familiar

I spun around to see Inch, and I thought how odd it was that our paths crossed so often these days. Beside him sat the enigmatic Charlie in his wheelchair

Charlie was his usual self, cap and mask in place, only his bright eyes visible. I was not one to stare, and with Charlie’s condition, it did not seem right to pry. So, after a brief glance, I addressed Inch, Are you two here for dinner as well?” 

Inch wheeled Charlie forward, giving a small nod. Charlie’s here to talk business,he said. Then, turning to Idris, he added, Mr. Young, good to see you.” 

Idris, known for his icy demeanor with strangers, returned the nod. His piercing gaze briefly met Charlie’s, a flicker of curiosity in his eyes, but he kept his thoughts to himself

I was about to make introductions, but considering Idris and I were not exactly close these days, I settled for a quick exchange of pleasantries with Inch and Charlie before we split up

Idris watched as Inch guided Charlie away, his gaze turning thoughtful. After a moment, he asked, That’s Charlie?His voice was more statement than question

I nodded. You know him?” 

Idris shook his head. Never met him. I have heard of him, though. Top five on the Silvana wealth charts. I did not know he’d been through so much. I never heard about the accident or his injuries.” 

Thinking back to Inch’s words from the night before, I said, Apparently, he had a bad car crash. Hurt his leg and his face too. Might still be recovering.” 

Idris let out a derisive laugh. A halfcripple and he’s still out and about? I guess he’s eyeing the local market now?” 

His harsh words took me aback, and I shot him a sharp look. Since when was he so biting

Catching my glance, Idris did not say more and led me into the private room

The room was already occupied by a handful of middleaged men, some portly, others sporting glasses in an attempt to look important

As we walked in, they turned to us with practiced smiles. Mr. Young, Mrs. Scott, glad you could make it,they said, motioning for us to sit down

After we took our seats, Idris leaned in and quietly filled me in on who was who around the tableall big shots from the Avaloria project

Chapter 203 He Doesn’t Seem Too Friendly Towards Charlie 


I made the rounds, shaking hands and exchanging hellos. The wiry guy with glasses gave me a warm smile and said, Mr. Young’s hit the jackpot. I’ve seen Mrs. Scott on the news and thought she was a knockout, but she’s even more stunning in the flesh.” 

Mr. Webber, isn’t your new bride a looker too? Why not bring her along for us to meet?piped up someone from the group

Mr. Webber just laughed and replied, Ah, she’s all looks and no substance. She’s got nothing on Mrs. Scott. I’ve heard Mrs. Scott’s running the massive Scott Corporation now. To handle such a big deal at her age, she’s nothing short of a legend.” 

He lifted his glass to me and said, Here’s to Mrs. Scott. Let’s drink to that.” 

I was on the fence about joining in when someone else jumped in, Hey, Mr. Webber, we might let some things slide, but Mr. Lowry isn’t here yet. You start pushing drinks on Mrs. Scott, and Mr. Young might not take it too well.” 


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