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Facade of Love Novel novel Chapter 216

Chapter 216 I’m Not Into Sweet Fruits 

Sweety’s lips tightened. What battle?” 

At that, I decided it was time for a hearttoheart. Let’s talk about Liam, okay?” 

She tried to bolt, but I caught her arm and gently but firmly guided her back to the couch.Look, I know it’s not my place to meddle in your love life, and I really shouldn’t, but Sweety, we’re practically sisters. I can’t just watch you walk into a disaster. Liking someone is fine, but Liam is bad news.” 

She bit her lip silently, her gaze downcast as she said, I won’t go near him again. You can relax. I won’t be a bother to you anymore.” 

With those words, she got up and walked out, leaving me no chance to respond

The words I wanted to say were stuck in my throat, unable to make their way out

With a loud bang her bedroom door was shut. It was her way of saying she did not want to hear another peep from me

Watching her act this way, my heart raced with confusion. I could not fathom why she was so upset about Liam, and I was at a loss for what to do next

She did not want to talk, and it seemed like she was even trying to avoid me

Feeling drained, I tried texting her to clear the air

No matter how many messages I sent, it was no use. Helpless, I waited outside, sitting in the living room for over two hours, but she never came out

Then the Youngs called. I had promised Madam Young I would join them for dinner at the old manor, so I had no choice but to head there

The YoungsOld Manor was buzzing with activity. Madam Young had just gotten out of the hospital, and the whole clan seemed to have shown up. Zoe greeted me as soon as I arrived, linking her arm with mine and saying, Yvette, you’re here at last! Come on, let’s go inside.” 

Before I could even reply, she whisked me away to the backyard’s lounge, where a bunch of young folks were hanging out. Idris was lounging on an armchair, impossible to miss, but it was Christina, standing next to him with a plate of perfectly sliced fruit, who truly stole the show

Christina was rocking a white sundress paired with a soft, baby blue cashmere cardigan today. The look was fresh and vibrant, screaming teen spiritfrom head to toe. With winter in full swing and everyone else bundled up in muted tones for warmth, Christina’s bright outfit stood out like a beacon

Catching a glimpse of her, I could not help but arch an eyebrow. Sure, she looked cute, but was she not freezing

Yvette, craving some fruit?Zoe chimed in, arm in arm with me. Before I could even answer, she blurted out, Great, because Miss Zanier has peeled a bunch, and Iddy isn’t touching them, so they’re all yours.” 

With that, Zoe grabbed the fruit plate from Christina a bit too forcefully and held it out to me, grinning at Christina. Yvette, give them a try. They’re super sweet.” 

Chapter 216 I’m Not Into Sweet Fruits 


I had not even made a move when Christina’s face scrunched up in displeasure. If you guys want some, peel your own. Why take mine? I peeled these for Iddy,she complained, her face the picture of someone who had been wronged, her eyes cast down in a way that just tugged at everyone’s heartstrings

It was not my first rodeo with Christina. Watching her pout, I had to stifle a laugh. Ah, to be young and wear your heart on your sleeve

Zoe did not bother with a comeback. Instead, she turned to Idris with a serious look. Iddy, you sure you don’t want any?” 

Idris gave a cursory glance at the plate now in front of me and declared, I’m not into sweet stuff.” 

They’re not sweetcame Christina’s feeble protest


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