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Facade of Love Novel novel Chapter 447

Back in the day, I would have teased Alice just to get a rise out of her, the way I used to with Moore. However, those days were gone now. Then, I just stood there, feeling numb until I finally walked away, my spirits at rock bottom.

The rain in Lake City was relentless, the kind of cold that seeps into the bones. I could not go back to the Scotts. When I left town with Lucas, I ended everything with my mom. Coming back now, I was starting from scratch.

I was lost without a home, aimlessly drifting through the freezing streets, my clothes clinging to me and drenched from the relentless rain. The bone-chilling cold had almost numbed me to the core, and my mind was stuck on a loop, replaying the deaths of Officer Jackson and Kobe. I felt like a stray dog with no place to call my own, wandering around without a purpose. Everything had changed so much in the past couple of months.

Maxwell found me in a daze, not even sure where I was. I caught glimpses of his worried face. He shook me, his voice booming, "Yvette, what are you doing?"

His shout snapped me back to reality, and I suddenly noticed the clear river right before me. I had no idea how I had gotten to the edge of the moat, just inches away from a plunge.

Realizing where I was, I turned to him, confused. "I... how did I end up here?"

He guided me away from the edge, his brow creased with concern. "What's going on? You look awful."

I could only shake my head, feeling completely drained and powerless, my legs buckling beneath me. He caught me swiftly, his arms supporting me, panic in his eyes as he scooped me up.

Holding onto his jacket, everything felt so strange, and I whispered in despair, "Maxwell, maybe I shouldn't have come back."

"Don't talk like that," he said firmly, settling me into his car, tucking a blanket around me, and cranking up the heat. "I'm taking you to the hospital."

I resisted weakly. "No, I'm just really tired. Please, just take me back to your place. I'll be fine after I sleep."

He did not look convinced but respected my wishes.

The car ride was silent, with Maxwell stealing worried glances at me every so often.

I wanted to reassure him that I was okay, but exhaustion took over, and I drifted off to sleep against the car window.



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