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Facade of Love Novel novel Chapter 470

I figured we would just leave after the auction wrapped up, but Lucas had other plans. Out of nowhere, he started throwing up bids like a man possessed. I was not paying much attention, but when he hit the two hundred thousand mark, the whole room started buzzing.

I scrunched my brow, curiosity getting the better of me as I peeked at the auction stage. There, bathed in the spotlight, was a string of beads that shimmered like tiny, captured flames. I could not tell what they were made of, but they glowed with a deep, rich red that was hard to look away from. Definitely not bargain-bin material.

However, two hundred thousand? That seemed steep.

I mean, beads are beads, right? How could they fetch two hundred thousand?

Lucas caught me eyeing them and curled an eyebrow. "Pretty, huh?"

I bit my lip but nodded. They were pretty, no lie.

He seemed pleased with my reaction. The auctioneer was about to call it when suddenly...

"Three hundred thousand!" The voice that cut through the room was deep and resonant.

Everyone turned, confused and curious.

I knew that voice all too well and frowned. Lucas might be off his rocker, but what was Idris's deal? No way those beads were worth three hundred thousand.

Lucas snorted and lazily hoisted his bid card. "Four hundred thousand!"

That was nuts.

"Five hundred thousand!" Idris's voice again, calm as ever, like he was discussing the weather instead of tossing around hundred thousands.

Lucas just laughed and raised his card. "5.2 million."

Then all eyes were on us, or rather, on me. That number, 5.2 million, sounded so... personal. It was the kind of number that sparked rumors and envy.

At first, no one got why he would shell out so much for beads. However, as the bids soared, it was like they all suddenly got the picture.


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