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Facade of Love Novel novel Chapter 84

Chapter 84 Moore wants to work with me? 

His brow furrowed, his face taking on a serious expression. “Why the sudden question?” he asked. 

Watching his reaction, I could not quite put my finger on why I felt a lump in my throat, but I asked anyway, 

“Moore said that Noah did not treat her right. I want to know, will stand up for her, no matter what?” 

He pressed his l*ps together, his black eyes deep and distant. After a while, he finally responded, not directly answering my question, “She’s different.” 

you always 

A lump formed in my throat again, leaving me unsure whether to laugh or cry. I had been so relieved when he explained his relationship with Moore. 

The room fell silent for a long time. Idris looked at me, his black eyes deep and somewhat shadowy. After a while, he finally asked, “Why are you asking me all this all of a sudden?” 

I managed a stiff smile and said, “Just curious.” 

Seeing my reaction, he sighed, a hint of helplessness in his voice. “Yvette, you’re my wife and always will be.” 

I nodded, my voice tired, “Let’s get some sleep. I’m a bit worn out.” 

Lying in bed, I turned my back to him, a mix of emotions swirling inside me. 

After a while, he lay down next to me but did not say anything more, sharing a silent. 


The next day, the temperature in Lake City had dropped even further. The foggy weather and light drizzle dampened my spirits. When I woke up, Idris was already gone. 

I headed to the Scott Corporation. 

The moment I stepped into the office, Maxwell was there, arms crossed, giving me a once- over. He wrinkled his brow and asked, “Were you hanging out with Idris last night?” 

That question sounded so strange. 

I gave him an eye roll and replied, slightly annoyed, “Can you talk normally, please? He’s my husband. What’s this about ‘hanging out”?” 

He clicked his tongue in annoyance and said, “Aunt Deb was all over me last night, fussing about you. She’s afraid you won’t leave Idris because of the kid. You’re not actually thinking like that, are you?” 

Looking at his face, eager for some juicy gossip, I just was not in the mood for this. I changed the subject. “So, what’s the latest on Sophia’s case at the police station?” 

When the conversation turned serious, so did he. “It’s all sorted out now, pretty much as we suspected. Doctor Miller was too hasty, gave her too much medication, and that’s what caused Sophia’s death. The police have already found him guilty in court.” 

I nodded, took a moment, and then asked him, “Is anyone handling Sophia’s funeral arrangements?” 

He shook his head. “I haven’t been following that. Once the police are done with the autopsy, they usually notify the family to take the b*dy to the funeral home.” 

“Could you find out when she’ll be buried? I’d like to pay my respects.” I said, feeling a bit downcast. Sophia had helped me in the mental hospital, but I had not been able to save her. Maxwell grunted in agreement. Seeing my low spirits, he did not continue his teasing. The past couple of days had been really tough.. 

At noon, Moore stormed into my office, her eyes bruised and angry, glaring at me. “Yvette, we need to talk” 

Looking at her, I managed to keep my composure, I gave her a small smile. “What like to discuss?” 

it would you 

She pulled up a chair and sat down, her dark eyes fixed on me, she got straight to the point. “A partnership!” 

I frowned, utterly confused. “Partnership? Partnership in what?” 

She rubbed her already swollen belly, looking at me. “Let me stay in Lake City. I promise not to interfere with your life with Idris. I’ll clear up the past with Madam Young, so you can live without any worries in the Youngs. 

I narrowed my eyes at her. “The past? 

She nodded, her face a shade paler. “If you don’t believe that I set you up five years ago, you can call a press conference. I’ll clear up those nasty rumors that were pinned on you.” 


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