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The Beautiful Wife of the Whirlwind Marriage novel Chapter 1298


Su Wan frowned as she looked at him.

She did not understand what he meant by this.

Gu Jingyu slowly tilted her chin up with his hand. "How much money did you take just now? How many days are you planning to sell yourself for this time?"

Su Wan immediately understood. He had misunderstood something after seeing Chen Jian give her money earlier.

The man pressed his body closer in a domineering manner. He looked at her face with his seemingly cold gaze, making her feel a ripping pain.

He lowered his head until it was nearly touching her body. The stiff hair in front of his forehead was almost falling onto her face.

She looked at him and instinctively felt that she was about to suffocate. It was difficult for her to control her breathing and make it regular.

"Gu Jingyu!" She yelled his name. "Do you think that everyone is as bad as you? Hes just my friend. He wanted to help me out. Its not as vile as you think."

Was his thinking vilely? Or did she think that he himself was vile?

He smiled grimly and moved even closer, using his chest to press her against the wall.

"Yes. Im vile. Im very vile. He isnt vile. He saved you from untold misery, right? Why? Does he like you a lot?" He pressed close to her ear and used his teeth to fiddle with her ear as if he was gnawing at it.

But the words that came out of his mouth were so vicious.

Su Wans face turned red. "No He doesnt like me."

However, her blushing face had already betrayed what she was thinking.

Gu Jingyu grinned even more nastily. "Oh, that means he likes you. How much does he like you?"

He leaned in close to her body and brushed lightly against it. He could feel the softness of her chest against his.

That feeling made him recall the intoxicated expression on her face during each night of frenzy in the past.

Was she showing this same expression to another man now?

"Does he like you so much that he can disregard your past, disregard the fact that your body has been touched by someone else, disregard the fact that Ive provided for you before?"


Were such evil words from the mouth of this man who always looked so elegant?

How sharp, how unkind.

Perhaps this was just the way he was. After all, the way they had been brought together previously was like a mirage. It was so short. She had not gotten to know him thoroughly.

In reality, an air of rebelliousness emanated from the entire body of this unruly man. He was also overbearing and insufferably arrogant.

But how could he say that about her?

"I you stop it. Ive already ended things with you. Why did you still come here to harass me?"

"Huh. Is that so? Things have already ended between us?" He pressed his cheek against hers and looked at her face very closely. "If things have already ended between us, it doesnt mean we cant start again."

"You let go of me. If you dont let me go, Im going to yell. There are security guards all over the school."

"Ha. Go ahead and yell. Ill see who dares to interfere in my affairs."

"You you jerk!" Unable to tolerate him further, Su Wan cursed bluntly.

However, Gu Jingyu continued to press against her without letting her go. When he looked at her moist lips that tilted upwards from anger, he thought of a red-hot peach.

He immediately gripped her chin and kissed her lips.

"Mmm Gu Jingyu, let go of me. How How can you do this? How dare you"

"Huh. Theres nothing that I, Gu Jingyu, dare not do."


Gu Jingyu instantly pinned her against the wall. He heard her yelling but had no intention of letting her go at all.

She could sense his overwhelming scent invading her, making her even more uncomfortable.

How could he do this? How could he do this here?

"Let go mm, let go of me"

Even if there werent many people around at this time, people would occasionally pass by. If they saw

Besides, it was true that they no longer had anything to do with each other. How could he treat her this way?

She made up her mind and bit his tongue without hesitation.

After she bit it.


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