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The Beautiful Wife of the Whirlwind Marriage novel Chapter 1306

Su Fen really felt that a villa was very good after staying in one. It was comfortable and bright. There was nothing to complain about it.

She sighed and thought that it was a pity that it wasnt hers.

But what Liulian said wasnt wrong either. Lin Che had so many houses, so it wouldnt mean a thing to Lin Che to let her have one to stay in. There wasnt anyone staying in it anyway.

Su Fen quickly called Lin Che to ask where she was.

Lin Che said, "Im outside. Why?"

"I havent seen your children yet and want to go over and see them, as well as give them some gifts."

Hearing that, Lin Che said, "Oh, I see. Theres no need for gifts. Theyre just kids."

"That wont do. Although you guys arent lacking anything, we still have to give gifts. Its the sentiments from us as elders. Children are a familys future. "

Lin Che said, "Its good to let them get to know their relatives, but theres really no need for gifts. Were outside now. Ill send someone over to pick you guys up."

Su Fen knew that Lin Che wouldnt refuse if she put things like this.

After all, these were traditional etiquette, and they had justified cause to go over.

She thought of meeting Lin Che, bringing the children some gifts, and then bringing up how she wished to stay here for a little longer.

Given how rich Lin Che was, she might not let her move out of the villa.

She had only brought Liulian here, not wanting the men at home to wreck things.

After arriving, she saw two beautiful children o the grass field in the distance, playing.

Lin Che sat on a rug at the side, watching them. The place was spacious and there wasnt anyone disturbing them. There were only a few people playing on the massive field.

Su Fen only realized after looking at this scene from afar that the area had been blocked off.

Gu Jingze was also watching from the side, sitting on a chair with his legs crossed. He was reading a book under the sunlight.

This family looked like a painting, with a kind mother, filial children, and harmonious couple. It was a harmonious scene.

Everyone in this family was so good-looking.

Su Fen took Liulians hand and walked over. When the bodyguards saw them, they made way for them.

Su Fen said, "Oh my, the two children are already so big."

Gu Shinian and Gu Shiyuan were sitting there and playing. They looked up at Su Fen. Gu Shinian was put off by Su Fens expression, so he didnt bother about her after taking a glance.

Gu Shiyuan didnt know about these things at all and just carried eating, not bothering about them either.

Su Fen still smiled and looked at them before saying to Lin Che, "The two of them are really beautiful kids."

Su Fen said this as she brought out some things. "These are what we brought back from our home. They are just coarse grains. I heard that people in the city like these. We grew these ourselves, and brought some for you."

Su Fen was a thoughtful person. Seeing that they werent lacking in anything, she decided to give something as a sentiment.

Lin Che smiled and said, "Thank you for bringing them from such a far distance."

Showing kindness without any reason.

Lin Che didnt feel that they were sincere about this.

After getting someone to take the gifts from them, she smiled and looked at the two of them. She thought that they might be leaving B City, so if they could be sent off on a nice note, it would be best to do so quickly. There would be less trouble.

She couldnt get herself to like them. They were too snobby and didnt treat others with sincerity that it was off-putting.

Lin Che said, "Ill get someone to prepare them. Wait a while."

She turned and said, "Go prepare these."

"Yes, Madam."

Gu Jingze said, "Since thats the case, why dont we have a picnic outside."

"Alright." Lin Che thought that it was rare that the weather was so good today, neither too hot nor too cold. Moreover, the environment was also very beautiful. Itll likely boost their appetite to eat here.

Gu Jingze turned and instructed, "Get someone to prepare a table and chairs. Well be dining outside today."

"Yes, Sir."

A few of them quickly got everything ready upon hearing the command.

The speed at which everything was prepared was astonishing.

A long table was set out, covered with a delicate-looking tablecloth. There were exquisite chairs placed on both sides, and a servant soon came over, lowering their head and asking respectfully, "Sir, is there anything that you would like to eat today?"


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