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Faking It With Damian Black novel Chapter 3


“Have a nice evening, Miss,” the elderly cabby smiled at me through the rearview mirror.

“I sure hope, sir,” I murmured, slurring each syllable.

I’d like to consider myself a bit tipsy, but who was I kidding? I was borderline drunk after drinking nine glasses of wine at home. There’s an extremely unhealthy bond between alcohol and I. I leaned on it for courage every time shitstorms hit my life.

It’s a love-hate relationship. The only relationship I could keep, apparently.

On wobbly legs, I stepped out of the cab and inhaled the familiar Roslin City summer air.

I smoothed my hand down the skirt of my black mini-dress and combed my hair with my fingers. I walked to the entry of the Black Hotel as confidently as possible, careful not to trip on my three-inch black stilettos.

Attending my high school reunion drunk was not how I pictured spending my weekend back in my hometown. I envision Hunter and I coming here together. But things got out of my control like a derailed train wagon.

All I wanted to do was watch FRIENDS rerun and drink myself to oblivion. But my pride wouldn’t let me rest in peace in my childhood bedroom.

There’s a high chance that I’d cross paths with Natalie tonight, but why would I change my plans? I wasn’t the ungrateful bitch who stole my friend’s fiance.

I can look her in the eyes and make her feel my wrath. I can’t let her win and let her play the victim card.

And the break up and cheating wasn’t the only thing that pushed me to drink nine glasses of wine while getting dressed. Apart from going public on social media with her relationship with Hunter hours after I found them fucking in his apartment, Natalie been accused of plagiarizing content for one of our collabs. My backstabbing friend threw me under the bus, publicly stating that I was the mastermind of that vlog, and she merely followed my lead.

Where was I when all of these were happening? I was on Malyons Lake, nursing my broken heart, only to be bombarded with more betrayals from someone I considered my friend when I opened my phone.

A party, a walk down high school memory lane after my engagement ended, and my career as a social media influencer imploded in my face was just what I needed to complete this catastrophe I call my life.

I easily found the function hall. The name and year of our class were written on a glittery banner set on a canvas stand.

A hotel staff member smiled as I approached, watching over the door.

“Name, please?” The woman in a sharp suit asked.

“Millicent Alejandro,” I smiled. She scrolled through the tablet before nodding at me.

I inhaled a huge breath as the double doors opened. Live music instantly spilled through the silent hallway. The party was already in full swing. People were seated at round tables, filling plates at the buffet, waiting in line at the bar, standing in groups with drinks at hand, chatting, laughing, and having fun.

Everything appeared to be in place, just like I assumed. But Candice, my best friend and our class president, was a planning freak. She’d be proud of the outcome of her planning. Too bad she wasn’t here to see it in person.

She recently tied the knot with her high school sweetheart, Aaron. They’re in Palawan for their honeymoon, but their flight got canceled because of a storm.

Somehow, I’m glad she wasn’t here to witness how Hunter tore my heart out of my chest. She’d probably killed him by now if she was here.

I crossed the dance floor and smiled at a few people as I passed them. Their existence was a mere shadow of thousand-dollar suits and designer dresses. With every step I made, the sinking feeling this was a bad idea pulsed louder in my ears.

Since when did I give a shit about what people think about me? Since when did I let my pride rule over my rational thought? Coming here was a mistake.

“Millie!” I heard a familiar warm voice over the pulsing music from the speaker.

Madeline. She was at the bar, talking to a group of girls in sparkly designer dresses. Seeing her familiar face made my feet move with a strained smile on my lips, but as soon as I realized who she was talking to, I paused and thought of going back the way I went in.

Too late, though. Madeline waved at me with a huge grin.

“Millie!” she called again. The girls around her turned in my direction. The mean girls of our batch. Felicity, the homecoming queen and cheer captain, with her minions Hallie and Luna.

So much for not drawing attention to myself.

I wore an Oscar-worthy smile as I walked to the bar.

“Oh, look at you. I love that dress! You look stunning.” Madeline wrapped her arms around me, air kissing my cheeks.

I locked eyes with Felicity. She smirked at me as if she knew something I didn’t.

‘Oh, this is bad.’

Madeline pulled away, and Felicity’s smirk turned into a cunningly sweet smile.

“I missed you, Maddie. You look hot in red,” I slurred, taking in her sequined red dress. My eyes were unfocused, so I didn’t really know if it looked good on her or not.

“I know, right?” Madeline giggled. “Too bad Candice couldn’t come. She did an amazing job planning everything!”

Everyone in our small circle agreed.

“She’s in Palawan for the honeymoon, right?” Felicity pressed a hand on her chest, eyes roaming around the circle of people around her. “I hear a storm is about to hit the Philippines. I hope they’re safe.”

“They are,” I murmured, turning to Madeline again. “She just wanted to make sure you have me if you need help. You know how she is.”

Madeline giggled. “Her plan was spotless. I’m just enjoying my time reconnecting with our high school friends.”

They all hummed and complimented the venue, the food, and the music. Candice would be happy to hear this.

“I saw her prenup and wedding video,” Felicity butted in, a diamond ring on her left hand catching the light from the bar. “It’s every bride’s dream.”

“Maybe you can ask Max to hold your wedding at Amalfi Coast as well,” Luna suggested. “I heard Candice planned her own wedding. Oh, you work for Candice at Effortless Events, right?”

My eyes twitched at her last statement. I don’t work for Candice. We were business partners, and they knew that. They’ve been our client on more than one occasion.

I kept my cool and nodded a yes.

“Felicity is engaged,” Hallie added, oblivious to the annoyance stirring inside me.

“Oh, wow…” My poker face was worth millions. “Congratulations. We would be honored to plan your wedding, Felicity,” I said, batting my eyelashes.

Chapter 3 1

Chapter 3 2


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