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Fated to Love You Again novel Chapter 143

Chapter 143 Who Is He?

"Nothing. It's just a bit hot. I'll eat it later," Norah said.

As she lowered her head, she smiled lightly with sweetness.

She remembered when she was in high school, couples would often go out to eat together. She had never been in a relationship before and didn't really know about love.

But she often saw couples sharing a bowl of rice or noodles. Sometimes, when the boy fed the girl noodles, the girl would smile happily, the two of them so sweet.

Back then, she was young and naive, thinking that love was just sharing a bowl of noodles. Couples would be willing to have food together.

That was enough.

As she grew older, she realized how naive and wonderful her thoughts were back then.

She came to understand that adult love was fraught with complexities, compromises, and calculations.

But she still stubbornly believed that love was beautiful and sweet.

Although she had been hurt by love countless times, she still believed in it as she always had.

Although they no longer had the fate of spending their lives together, at least at this moment, she felt that they were like any other young couple around her.

It was as if they were not adults, and they had never been married or divorced.

They were just like these high school students, innocent and sweet, enjoying the sweetness of love to the fullest.

And that was enough for her.

They both ate the large bowl of rice noodles very slowly.

In the end, they finished the noodles, leaving just a bit of soup.

Norah was already full.

Just as she put down her chopsticks, she saw Shawn pick up the spoon and drink the soup from the noodles.

At that moment, she was shocked.

In her impression, Shawn didn't seem like the kind of person who would even drink the soup from the noodles they shared. Eating together with her must be hard for him enough.

She was stunned for a moment before asking, "Are you... not full? Do you want me to order another bowl of noodles for you?"

"I'm full."

Shawn quickly reacted and explained, "I just feel that sharing a bowl of noodles with you is something wonderful. We may never have this opportunity again, so I treasure it."

When they left the small restaurant, the sky had already turned dark, and the stars were shining.

The weather was clear, so there were lots of stars in the sky, shining like dazzling jewels. It was a breathtaking sight.

"I miss this place so much. I wish I could go in and take a look." Norah sighed as they approached the school gate.

"Wait for me."

After saying that, Shawn quickly ran away.

Norah saw him run towards the guard's office at the gate, and he seemed to have said something to the security guard. Then he ran back to her.

He ran very fast, so he was panting as he said, "Alright, let's go in and take a walk."


Norah was really surprised and couldn't react for a moment.

After a while, she gradually came back to her senses. "Did the security guard agree to let us in? I heard that the management here is very strict, and unrelated people are not allowed to get in and out."

In fact, Norah had tried to get in many times before but was always stopped outside.

"We can go in now." Shawn said, "But, I might need to hold your hand as we go in."


"Because..." Shawn paused, his deep and pleasant voice slowly coming through the darkness. "I told them that my wife and I were alumni of this school. We met here ten years ago, and today is our wedding anniversary. My wife really missed this place and wanted to go in for a walk. I promised we would leave within an hour."

"Then, I gave each of them a box of cigarettes."

Norah couldn't help but exclaim after hearing this. She said, "It's not right to deceive people like this, is it?"


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