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Fated to Love You Again novel Chapter 57

Chapter 57 Norah was faint

"My baby, you'll be fine."

"Don't worry. Mom is strong enough to protect you."

Norah held her stomach tightly all the time.

She was hesitant about whether to call Shawn during that time.

Should I?

She asked herself again and again.

There was a moment that she had actually found his number and dialed.

But just as he was about to get through, she hung up quickly.

Arrived at the hospital, Norah immediately succeeded in making an appointment. Fortunately, that day was a working day, it was not difficult to make an appointment.

When waiting, she was so dizzy and uncomfortable, her head so heavy. She even felt like that she would faint immediately.

The waiting room was crowded and stuffy.

Norah got up and wanted to go out for a walk.

Just at the moment she walked to the hall, came a stretcher with an emergency patient lying on.

The doctors and nurses pushed the patient and shouted, "Make way, make way."

Norah knew that was an emergency, and every minute and second of emergency treatment was precious. Seeing that emergency patient was pushed towards her direction, she had no time to think and immediately made way.

Perhaps she was too anxious. When Norah made her way, her foot suddenly sprained and she quickly fell sideways.

Fortunately, there was a large pillar beside her, and she held on to it with all her strength to keep from falling.

Around them, doctors and nurses wheeled the patient frantically to the emergency room, followed by a line of uniformed police officers.

Norah was about to say that she had only seen this scene on TV, but suddenly, her eyes went black.

The next moment, she couldn't feel anything.

"Boss, someone's fainted."

"It seems to be someone who just made her way for us." "Paul said.

Matthew walked out from the line and rushed to Norah, picked her up and rushed to the emergency room.

Outside the emergency room, Paul thought for a long time. Suddenly something came to his mind and he patted the head, "boss, I knew who she is. No wonder I felt familiar. She was the girl with who we took a ride last time。"

"Boss, I have to say, there must be a destiny that ties you and she."

Paul excitedly finished his words. But Matthew's face was cold, without any changes.

"Boss, don't you want to say something. Do you remember her?" Paul was anxious about his attitude.

Matthew only gave him a cold glance, "No."

In fact, he recognized Norah the moment he picked her up.

Norah was really beautiful, with a standard oval face, arched eyebrows, red lips, together with a high nose. She had a perfect looking.

But that's not the most important thing.

She really moved him.

Both times he saw her, he felt a sadness about her.

The sadness even made him have a impulsion which he wanted to get rid of.

For a moment he wondered what she would look like if she smiled.

At that time, Paul's phone rang. After answering the phone, he immediately reported to Matthew, "boss, they got the bullet out and saved him. Our mission finally have a little harvest. When he woke up, we should be able to pry a lot of things."

"You go up there and monitor him and tell me as soon as he wakes up."

Paul looked at the emergency room again, "But this girl..."

"Don't worry about it. I'll be right back when I'm sure she's okay."

"Yes sir. I go up first."


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