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Fated To The Kings: His Silver Hand novel Chapter 5

Anna Marie

Damn that pompous ass! -Awww, thinking of Mr. Hottie.-

Yes, she was. Not because she was attracted to him. -Are you sure, girlie?-

Why the hell does her conscience mock her? She should be on her side.

And why the hell did she dressed extra sexy today? Pft. Her outfit was perfectly fine, not that provocative at all. Her white skinny jeans and white tube top were perfect on a Saturday. It's the end of summer, so it was humid. Season's heat giving way to the breeze of Autumn.

"You going out like that, Rie?" Michael asked with raised brows. They were at the breakfast nook, enjoying the feast she prepared for them.

As promised, after cozying with the puppy pile on her bed, she got up early and cooked for everyone. Even fed her energetic nephews and niece.

"Leave the girl alone, baby." Alexie enticed him with a smile and he easily got distracted. Xander's another matter.

"Add more warriors on her security detail, beta." He said it so casually, the expectation of being followed without question in the tone of his voice. Rie's eyes pleaded with her sister, Anna. Thank God Xavier and Oliver were not here.

These men in their family were overprotective freaks. She couldn't even date without their approvals. Not that she wanted to.

"Darling," The lycan queen confidently sat on his lap. That did the trick. He embraced her tenderly and nuzzled her mark. She whispered something in his ear -- her eyes on Rie, signaling her to escape.

Bussing Mish on her smooth forehead and she hightailed it out of the mansion.

Whew! That was a close call. She wanted to enjoy the last days of summer so she decided to drive today with the top down.

White teeth gnawed her lips whilst she looked around the garage. She will take the red BMW i8 Roadster convertible. It was the least expensive of the lot and she wouldn't feel guilty if she scratched it a bit.

"You gonna drive today, Rie?" Zach asked. Ready to follow her around in his black attire. The way he was looking at her -- Not interested, dude. She doesn't think she would let anyone touch her without freaking out.

Smiling vaguely and she nodded. "Yeah. See you around." How she wished they won't follow her today. She hated being smothered.

"Rie, wait." Jesus! Will he never take the hint?

"Yeah?" Her voice showing her impatience didn't deter him.

"Go out with me?" Goddess. Cocky and dense to boot. His arrogant smile was as always, irritating.

"I can't and you know why." She will have to request Michael to remove the man from her security detail. The only problem was Zachary will be in trouble because Michael would want to know why and she couldn't lie to save her life.

This has become tedious. And creepy.

"Because of the king and beta? We can keep it a secret. We will have a great time, Rie. You will enjoy it." Wow, he wanted a fuck buddy and he had chosen her. Fucking flattered. Sarcasm overload. And he had no respect for his Lycan king and royal beta. It has been declared she was off-limits since day one.

"I don't want to go out with you and I don't want sex with benefits. Please stay out of my way. It would be better if you look for your mate." Without looking at him, she got in the car and drove out of the garage. From the rearview mirror, his eyes were glued to her form. Fear crept in. Memories came unbidden -- how her uncle used to look at her.

With evil lust.

Rie should confide in her sister soon. Anna May would know how to protect her.

Zachary will no longer be a part of her security detail soon. She will make sure of that.


The restaurant was fairly quiet when she got inside. Only a handful of her employees were waiting.

Every Saturday was a delivery day from their suppliers and she checked the goods, hence the reason she came early.

They don't have time on Sundays. She has declared it a family day for her and her staff.

Making a mental note to drag Mish on a shopping spree, she smiled. Hey, a girl needs to enjoy her hard-earned money from time to time. And it's probably a great motivation too.

Three hours later. A painful groan left her lips when she stretched her back muscles. Shit! Hurt like the devil.

After inspecting the deliveries, she decided to clean the storage, did some inventories while she was at it.

Good thing she did. They were out of expensive wines.

Hearing her stomach grumble, a reminder she missed lunch, Rie grimaced. Great! A chef that doesn't feed herself.

When she entered the kitchen, she remembered she had an appointment for this afternoon. What was the girl's name?

"Chef, a Ms. Indali is for looking for you." Oh, right.

"Show her to the kitchen, Cee." Might as well cook and eat with her while she interviewed her for the apprenticeship. Her staff was busy in the main room, which left her alone in the kitchen.

"Good afternoon, little chef," Fuck! It's him again. The hottie. -Finally! You admit it.- And why was she panicking?

Why was he here? She met his warm gaze steadily. Almost challengingly. Shivers of a different kind made themselves known.

What the...she averted her gaze -- confused -- she nodded to Indali who was waving at her with a shy smile on her face.

The Apprentice 1


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