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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 469

Keith could feel the warm current of interest flowing from Darlene's gaze.

"You've shelled out a pretty penny to have the folks at Cipher Detectives hunt me down. Now that I've come to you tonight, why don't you claim back that hefty deposit? It's a serious chunk of change to just leave on the table."

"Should I get it back and give it to you?"

Darlene was silent.

She just wanted him to reclaim the deposit, cancel the job, and preserve the reputation of her detective agency.

She had no desire for the money.

"Keith, I helped you out, really, it was no big deal, I don't need a reward. That amount of money is too much."

Keith didn't even look back this time, his voice deep, "Forget it. Cipher Detectives took my case and my money, and they did put in the work for quite some time. The deposit can stay with them as payment for their efforts."

Darlene remained silent.

Her agency did take deposits, but they also had a policy in place—the deposit would be returned to the client if the job couldn't be completed.

Keeping the deposit meant the agreement was still active, and they would continue to investigate for the client.

"Since you are so insistent, I'll gracefully accept, and the deposit is mine."

After washing the dishes, Keith stepped out of the kitchen and stood before Darlene.

Close contact brought them nearly nose to nose, and Keith picked up a faint scent from her, grateful for his keen sense of smell.

This soft fragrance, it was vaguely familiar.

Recalling his sister's suspicions that Darlene might be the mysterious masked lady he had encountered, he found it hard to reconcile the gentle Darlene with the spirited masked figure.

Aside from his mother and sister, the only other woman's scent he knew was Darlene's.

Cecilia never wore perfume; her natural scent was all there was, except maybe a whiff of shampoo after she washed her hair.

Cecilia, though skilled in some self-defense, was no match for a true fighter in Keith's eyes, so he had ruled her out from the start.

That left only Darlene.

Keith silently scoffed: Lucinda was spot on!

Always thinking ahead, Lucinda was typical of a storyteller.

"Give me an account number. I'll have someone call Cipher Detectives to cancel the job, get the deposit back, and transfer the money to your account."

Darlene's smile cracked, "I have a thing for cash. It looks so grand!"

Keith couldn't help but chuckle, "Alright, I'll get you the cash. Do you want to pick it up, or should I deliver it?"

"I'll give you an address where you can drop the money off. I'll be waiting there to collect it."

Skywatch was his territory; if she frequented the place, it would be too easy for him to spot a flaw.

Pinehurst was her home, but not exactly her turf. With the Andersons and the Martinez families casting their nets, both would side with Keith, making it unsafe for her, though still safer than Skywatch.

She'd just give him a random address, have him drop off the money, and then figure out how to shake off his men.

Helping others was not new to Darlene, but this was the first time it had brought trouble her way.

"Deal," Keith agreed swiftly.

Darlene breathed a sigh of relief, her agency's reputation intact.

"Thanks for saving my life the other day!"

Keith formally expressed his gratitude.

"A small act of kindness is worth a great debt, let alone saving a life. If you ever face trouble, need my help, just tell me."

Keith made a promise.

Darlene chuckled, "Like I said, it was nothing."

"But still, you saved me."

Chapter 469 1


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